🚫 Stop the Madness!! Use Cancellation Tokens Effectively in .NET Core🚫

Ahmed Shah - Jul 24 - - Dev Community

Ever get that sinking feeling when your .NET Core app gets stuck in a long-running operation, leaving users frustrated and resources wasted?

As developers, we often encounter long-running tasks in our applications. Whether it's an API call, a file upload, or a complex calculation, these tasks can sometimes hang or take longer than expected. This is where the power of CancellationToken in .NET Core comes in.

What Are Cancellation Tokens?

A CancellationToken is a lightweight object in ASP.NET Core that facilitates cooperative cancellation between threads or components. When a CancellationTokenSource is canceled (usually due to user input or a timeout), all consumers of the associated cancellation token are notified.

Why Use Cancellation Token?

🔎 Enhanced User Experience
🔎 Resource Management
🔎 Async Operations
🔎 Graceful Termination

Integrating CancellationToken in your .NET Core applications is a small change that can have a big impact. It enhances performance, improves user experience, and helps in resource management. 🛠️

When to Use CancellationToken?

🔹 API Requests=> Cancel ongoing API calls if the user navigates away or the request takes too long.
🔹 Background Services=> Terminate background tasks gracefully during application shutdown or restarts.
🔹 Parallel Tasks=> Manage parallel operations efficiently, especially when one task's result might affect others.
This Example Below is not recommended For Production its just for learning Purposes.
What are your experiences with CancellationToken? Share your thoughts and let's discuss! 💬👇
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