Git Branching Strategy Guide

ak - Jun 6 - - Dev Community

As a developer since 2008, I’ve witnessed the evolution of version control systems firsthand. Starting with SVN and eventually transitioning to Git, I’ve seen how these tools have become indispensable in our daily workflows. Let me share a detailed branching strategy that has proven effective in managing codebases, ensuring stability, and facilitating collaboration.

Main Branches

  • main (or master) Branch:

    • The production-ready code.
    • Only contains thoroughly tested and stable code.
    • Direct commits are restricted; only allowed through pull requests (PRs) after code review and approval.
  • develop Branch:

    • The latest codebase reflecting the current state of development.
    • All features and fixes are integrated into this branch before being merged into main.
    • Serves as a base for all new feature branches.

Supporting Branches

  • Feature Branches:

    • Naming Convention: feature/<feature-name>
    • Created from: develop
    • Purpose: For developing new features or enhancements.
    • Merging: Once complete and tested, merge back into develop.
  • Bugfix Branches:

    • Naming Convention: bugfix/<issue-id>
    • Created from: develop (or release if the fix is for an upcoming release)
    • Purpose: For fixing bugs identified during development.
    • Merging: Merge back into develop (or release if applicable) once fixed.
  • Release Branches:

    • Naming Convention: release/<version-number>
    • Created from: develop
    • Purpose: To prepare for a new production release.
    • Activities: Final testing, bug fixing, and preparing release notes.
    • Merging: Merge into both main and develop once ready.
  • Hotfix Branches:

    • Naming Convention: hotfix/<issue-id>
    • Created from: main
    • Purpose: For urgent fixes that need to go directly into production.
    • Merging: Merge into both main and develop once applied.

Branch Workflow

  1. Feature Development:

    • Create a branch from develop using feature/<feature-name>.
    • Implement the feature, commit changes, and push the branch to the repository.
    • Open a pull request to merge the feature branch into develop.
    • Conduct code reviews, perform necessary tests, and merge the changes into develop.
  2. Bug Fixing:

    • Create a branch from develop using bugfix/<issue-id>.
    • Fix the bug, commit changes, and push the branch.
    • Open a pull request to merge the bugfix branch into develop.
    • After reviews and tests, merge the changes into develop.
  3. Release Preparation:

    • Create a branch from develop using release/<version-number>.
    • Perform final testing, fix any last-minute bugs, and update documentation.
    • Merge the release branch into both main and develop once ready.
  4. Hotfixes:

    • Create a branch from main using hotfix/<issue-id>.
    • Apply the fix, commit changes, and push the branch.
    • Open a pull request to merge the hotfix branch into main.
    • Merge changes into develop to include the fix in ongoing development.

Best Practices

  • Regular Merges: Merge develop into feature branches regularly to stay updated and avoid integration issues.
  • Code Reviews: Conduct mandatory code reviews before merging any branch to ensure quality and adherence to standards.
  • Automated Testing: Implement continuous integration with automated testing to catch issues early and maintain code quality.
  • Documentation: Keep all changes well-documented, including comments in code, update logs, and comprehensive commit messages.

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If you're interested in expanding your knowledge beyond Git branching strategies, check out our latest post on AI Development Phases. This comprehensive guide covers the key stages involved in developing AI solutions, from initial planning to deployment and maintenance. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced professional, this post provides valuable insights to help you navigate the complex landscape of AI development.

Read the AI Development Phases Post

SVN vs. Git Comparison

SVN (Subversion)

  • Centralized Version Control: SVN relies on a central server to store all versions of the project files.
  • Commit Structure: Changes are committed directly to the central repository.
  • Branching: Branches are typically created on the server, and branching operations can be slow and resource-intensive.
  • Merging: Merging can be more complex and less efficient compared to Git.


  • Distributed Version Control: Git allows every developer to have a local copy of the entire project history.
  • Commit Structure: Changes are committed locally first and can be pushed to a remote repository.
  • Branching: Branching is lightweight and fast, encouraging the use of feature branches.
  • Merging: Git’s merging capabilities are more advanced, making it easier to integrate changes from different branches.

I hope this guide helps you as much as Git has helped me since it became my everyday buddy. Happy coding!

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