Choosing the right programming language. As well as a career!

Alex Gwartney - Jan 14 '18 - - Dev Community

I wanted to start off by saying that this post is going to be long.
And hopefully going to guide others that are either looking to get into programming. Or are already in their career but are looking to swap. Or are in my case in college/in a different field of IT and have been deciding what to do for quite some time now.

So just to give a bit of a background as to what I am talking about. Since around 2015 when I first started this long adventure into programming. I have run into this battle of not knowing what it has really been I wanted to specialize in.

I feel like for the longest time I kept going in and out of different languages like java, c++, and javascript several different times. In the end, I have always come back to two specific interest. That led me to two different languages specifically. One has been web doing javascript programming and the other in 3d graphics programming which leads me into c++. Now that I have begun the new degree and the new year it really has got me thinking that while I enjoyed my time with experimenting with web development in javascript. I don't feel like I have as much of a passion for it as I do for 3d graphics. Which goes further than just deciding one-day I like it.

Way before I got into programming I actually started to get into things such as wanting to become a 3d graphics modeler/animation etc. I even started to go to school for it. But that's actually where I was introduced to programming through an old friend of mine. So in the end, while the web is great I feel like graphics engineering is where I ultimately will be happy in.

So where does this leave me at the moment? So at the moment though while I have done a lot of jumping around experimenting it has not been all for anything.I did finish my associate's degree in 2016. This helped me land a helpdesk job in 2017 and have been working in that ever since. But in the end, it is not where I want to retire from career-wise. It has however taught me a lot of other useful skills. And has given me valuable job experience while I build my knowledge to get where I need to be. I have since started Back into my bachelor's degree this year.

What I have been leading up to with all of this is I feel like while I have come in and out of different languages.And yes I did not end up right where I wanted to be right away.I have been able to find what I do and do not like. I have also gotten exposure to different environments. Which is something I feel like would not have happened if I would have just bit the bullet and stayed in one place.

I will say that for others that are in the same situation don't be afraid to branch out and try other stuff. Don't just say I want to be x Because that's what looks like the most popular thing at the moment. You may find something way better and you may end up even happier. Even if it means taking a side job until you can develop the current skill you need to get the career you actually want.Or you may find that you want to stick with what you're doing, to begin with. But unless you go out and research you will never know.

As for me, my new plan is to begin my path into learning graphics engineering while completing my bachelor's degree. As well as some other side projects I have in store along the way to help me build up my experience. As I know it's not going to be an easy journey.

I also want to say thank you to the DEV community for your support.
As you all have been really awesome and thank you for sticking through
this really long post.

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