Letters App using Flutter SDK for iOS - MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022

Amey Sunu - Dec 8 '22 - - Dev Community

What I built

I created an iOS application using Flutter, MongoDB Atlas, and MongoDB Realm Auth. The goal of the app is to communicate to people all over the world with random things happening around you. In other words, its a "Letter", which is sent out to the world, and all the registered users can see this, react to this, comment and have fun.

Category Submission:

Think Outside the JS Box

App Link


  • Clone the project, and install all the dependencies for Flutter by running flutter pub get.

  • Go the folder ios and run the Runner.xcworkspace on Xcode

  • You can use the user testuser@test.com and password as 123456, since the authentication is built with MongoDB Realm Authentication.


Login Screen

Home Screen


Profile Details

Create a Letter

Update letter

Global Letters

A Sample Letter



This project aims to connect people throughout the world with little hilarious things that happen in life, just like Twitter. Users can log into the app and create a letter and choose the option if they want to make it private or public. Private letters cannot been seen by others. Don't worry, you always have the option to update your letters. Once, the letter is out there, people can react, and comment on it, and the best part is, only you can see it. It's a fun way of knowing various things happening throughout the world.

Link to Source Code

Permissive License

MIT License 2022


Sometimes people are always held by their intrusive thoughts and feel scared to express themselves on social media with the worry of being bullied. This app allows them to write whatever they want, and nobody can bully them as users have total control over what they write. Comments and replies are only visible to you, and not to others.

It's a fun and cool way of knowing about various things happening around you, and sometimes smallest of the smallest things can make you happy when you are in a busy stressful day.

How I built it

I used MongoDB Atlas, and Realm Auth for authentication. I thought of going with a different authentication and then decided to use Realm, because it would be really easy to integrate Realm Auth data with MongoDB atlas, while creating records pertaining to users.

I used Flutter SDK for developing the application for iOS, and used MongoDB Atlas for CRUD operations throughout the application.

I learnt about MongoDB Atlas, and this was my first time integrating this with Flutter as a database operations, and I really liked it a lot. I had a few struggles here and there, but made it eventually. I had to cut short my project a little bit, and wanted to add other little more features, but even after the hackathon, I'll be working on the project more, making it better and adding in new features.

Thanks MongoDB and DEV team for introducing this hackathon to me! :)

Additional Resources/Info

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