Design Patterns in Java

Andrew (he/him) - Apr 4 '19 - - Dev Community

I thought it would be a fun to write a series of blog posts looking at different design patterns in Java. So the first thing I did was go to the Internet and try to construct a list of common design patterns. Being a type-A kind of person, I'd like to write an article for each design pattern that exists.

The list of patterns (which I constructed from a few top hits on Google) is below and it numbers over 100 distinct design patterns for Java programs.

So I'd like to have a discussion about design patterns in general. Is 100 too many distinct design patterns? Is this evidence of the expressiveness of Java? Or is it a failure on the part of the language that this many distinct use cases need to be explicitly mapped out? Is this too much templated code?

What are your opinions?

(Also, do you know of any design patterns that aren't on my list? Type-A.)

Java Design Patterns:

API Gateway Pattern [3]
Abstract Document Pattern [3]
Abstract Factory Pattern [1-5]
Action Pattern => Command Pattern
Acyclic Visitor Pattern [3]
Adapter Pattern [1-4]
Aggregator-Microservices Pattern [3]
Ambassador Pattern [3]
Async Method Invocation Pattern [3]

Balking Pattern [3]
Borg Pattern => Monostate Pattern
Bridge Pattern [1-4]
Builder Pattern [1-5]
Business Delegate Pattern [2-3]

Caching Pattern [3]
Callback Pattern [3]
Chain Of Responsibility Pattern [1-4]
Collection-Pipeline Pattern [3]
Command Pattern [1-4]
Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) Pattern [3]
CompletableFuture Pattern => Promise Pattern
Composite Pattern [1-4]
Composite Entity Pattern [2]
Converter Pattern [3]
Counting Semaphore Pattern => Semaphore Pattern
Criteria Pattern => Filter Pattern

Data Access Object (DAO) Pattern [2-4]
Data Bus Pattern [3]
Data Mapper Pattern [3]
Data Transfer Object Pattern [3]
Decorator Pattern [1-5]
Delegation Pattern => Proxy Pattern
Dependency Injection Pattern [3-4]
Dirty Flag Pattern [3]
Double-Checked Locking Pattern [3]
Double Dispatch Pattern [3]

Enterprise Integration Patterns: Aggregator [3]
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Message Channel [3]
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Publish / Subscribe [3]
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Splitter [3]
Enterprise Integration Patterns: Wire Tap [3]
Event Aggregator Pattern [3]
Event-Based Asynchronous Pattern [3]
Event-Driven Architecture Pattern [3]
Event Queue Pattern [3]
Event Sourcing Pattern [3]
Execute Around Pattern [3]
Extension Objects Pattern [3]

Facade Pattern [1-5]
Factory Pattern [1-2,4-5]
Factory Kit Pattern [3]
Factory Method Pattern [3]
Feature Flag Pattern => Feature Toggle Pattern
Feature Toggle Pattern [3]
Filter Pattern [2-3]
Fluent Interface Pattern [3]
Flux Pattern [3]
Flyweight Pattern [1-4]
Front Controller Pattern [2-3]

Guarded Suspension Pattern [3]

Half-Sync/Half-Async Pattern [3]
Handle/Body Pattern => Bridge Pattern
Hexagonal Architecture Pattern [3]

Intercepting Filter Pattern [2-3]
Interpreter Pattern [1-4]
Iterator Pattern [1-4]

Kit Pattern => Abstract Factory Pattern

Layers Pattern [3]
Lazy Loading Pattern [3]

Map-Reduce Pattern [3]
Marker Interface Pattern [3]
Master-Slave Pattern => Map-Reduce Pattern
Master-Worker Pattern => Map-Reduce Pattern
Mediator Pattern [1-4]
Memento Pattern [1-4]
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern [2-4]
Model-View-Presenter (MVP) Pattern [3]
Module Pattern [3]
Monad Pattern [3]
Monostate Pattern [3]
Multiton Pattern [3]
Mute Pattern [3]
Mutex Pattern [3]
Mutual Exclusion Lock Binary Semaphore Pattern => Mutex Pattern

Naked Objects Pattern [3]
Null Object Pattern [2-3]

Objects For States Pattern => State Pattern
Object-Mother Pattern [3]
Object Pool Pattern [3]
Observer Pattern [1-4]

Page Object Pattern [3]
Partial Response Pattern [3]
Poison Pill Pattern [3]
Policy Pattern => Strategy Pattern
Private Class Data Pattern [3]
Producer-Consumer Pattern [3]
Promise Pattern [3]
Property Pattern [3]
Prototype Pattern [1-2,4-5]
Proxy Pattern [1-4]

Queue-Based Load Leveling Pattern [3]

Reactor Pattern [3]
Reader-Writer Lock Pattern [3]
Registry Pattern => Multiton Pattern
Repository Pattern [3]
Resource Acquisition is Initialization Pattern [3]
Retry Pattern [3]

Semaphore Pattern [3]
Servant Pattern [3]
Serverless Pattern [3]
Service Layer Pattern [3]
Service Locator Pattern [2-3]
Singleton Pattern [1-5]
Spatial Partition Pattern [3]
Specification Pattern => Filter Pattern
State Pattern [1-4]
Step Builder Pattern [3]
Strategy Pattern [1-4]
Surrogate Pattern => Proxy Pattern

Template Pattern [1-2]
Template Method Pattern [3-4]
Thread Pool Pattern [3]
Throttling Pattern [3]
Thread-Local Storage (TLS) Pattern [3]
Tolerant Reader Pattern [3]
Trampoline Pattern [3]
Transaction Pattern => Command Pattern
Transfer Object Pattern [2]
Twin Pattern [3]

Unit Of Work Pattern [3]

Value Object Pattern [3]
Virtual Constructor Pattern => Factory Method Pattern
Visitor Pattern [1-2,4]

Wrapper Pattern => Adapter Pattern / Decorator Pattern

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