Use GitHub Issues for Personal Task Manager

azu - Jan 9 '21 - - Dev Community

Recently, I have used GitHub issues for personal task manager.
Previously, I used Producteev, TickTick, OmniFocus as task manager.
But, the existing task manager has two problems.


  • Duplicated of GitHub Issues
    • GitHub Issues already has tasks as an issue
    • I do not want to create duplicated tasks on existing task manager
  • Hard to extend task manager by programming

So, I've created missue template repository to resolve this problems.


It helps us to use GitHub as a personal task manager.

missue is just a template repository, so you can just Use this template.

missue can sync CR issue's state.
"CR" is Cross-Reference Issues.
You can create Cross-Reference Issues with userscript from other repositories.

Cross Reference Issues has a link that you want to track and has CR label.


missue is almost plain GitHub issues.
However, GitHub issues have enough features for me.

Additionally, you can extend GitHub issues by GitHub Actions and Probot.

For example, if you want to get a reminder feature, and you can use Probot: Reminders.
Also, GitHub Actions help you to extend your workflow by programming.

After all, GitHub issues was necessary and sufficient for me.

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