React Microservices: Architecture, Benefits & Use Cases

Bacancy - Nov 9 '22 - - Dev Community

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This blog explains the monolithic aka microservices architecture with React framework, the benefits of React for microservices, and some use cases depicting the good possibility for creating React Microservices. Hope you find it useful. Do share your comments and also share it with your friends.

Microservices With React Js Library

With microservices in React, the program will be split up into several ‘projects’ using a microservice design. A microservice in backend development is often a self-contained, deployable entity. Of course, a mobile or web app cannot use this method. What to do then?

Well, for every entity in the app, you need to produce a microservice (an npm package) based on your situation. This microservice will include all of the logic related to this entity. Here is a slightly different way of understanding a microservice by contrasting it with a backend microservice. They remain autonomous in the following manner even if they cannot be deployed independently:

  • They possess a state of their own.
  • Solely use interfaces to communicate with other components (General software engineering naming). We ought to make an effort to rely on an abstract layer rather than the implementation. Creating an index.js file for React simply means making some components visible to the outside world.
  • Have clear and rigorous contracts. Although this is somewhat different from, say, C#, the basic idea remains the same. You must define an element or function, the properties (props), and the object that will be returned. Essentially, what you anticipate receiving back. For React, this will typically be a React component, React.FC, etc. You should also make an effort to employ as few props as feasible.

The React Architecture on Microservices

Prior to starting using React architecture on Microservices, how about we talk about React first? React is basically an open-source JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It provides an inventive perspective on a web development concept where you don’t refresh the HTML DOM (hierarchical representation of the content of the web page).

In fact, compared to other libraries, React provides a number of benefits that make it an easy adaptation of microservices in React. Some of these benefits are:

Adaptability: Because React is so adaptable, you can create new features without having to rewrite any existing code. Additionally, React Native can be used to power mobile apps and server-side rendering, respectively.

Improved UI: Better interactive UIs can be made with less work than when using native Javascript. When data changes, React updates the view alongside the components as you construct views for each state.

Outstanding developer experience: It is component-based and easy to learn. In React, components can be built that are self-contained, maintain their own states, and be combined to form intricate user interfaces.

Meta’s backing: The Instagram and Facebook apps make extensive use of this library. In their production environment, their developers actively contribute to GitHub and use roughly 50,000 React components to create applications.

Simple testing: React makes UI browser testing simpler than with previous libraries. It can execute many test suites simultaneously and needs minimal to no configuration.

Now with that in mind, it is understandable how React helps developers, companies, and businesses. In order to address the monolithic application, developers opted for a backend architecture known as Microservices. Yes, it brings forth some new issues.

Nonetheless, a number of the most difficult problems teams face are resolved by this architecture. It is now regarded as the preferred design when scaling backend development.

Advantages of React Microservices

The microservice concept offers a number of benefits. Each service in a microservice is typically specifically focused, making them lightweight and significantly faster to operate.

The following advantages are derived from React Microservices.

● Due to the established and rigorous contracts, undesired dependencies between components can be easily identified.

● You now have a procedure for announcing a contract for a part or service. In an index.js file, everything that is accessible to other microservices is contained. The SOLID principles govern the backend world. The Open/Closed concept is one of these rules. The interface should be available for extension but restricted for modification, according to this. Simply said, develop new interfaces rather than changing your current ones.

● Every microservice must possess its unique state, which is a crucial design principle. And using the owning service is the sole way to read or change this status. Well, how is this accomplished? Simply disclose functions that can change the state to solve the problem. This gives a microservice complete control over which state variables can be changed by outside packages.

● The dependency issue will be resolved for external connections, but you must install the npm package in order to utilize the code of some other service. You must connect to an abstract layer in order to access the code contained in the npm package, which releases you from the implementation’s constraints. This makes it certain that there are no longer any emanating implicit dependencies.

● Each microservice may feature an entirely unique setup. the microservices must all be javascript libraries and npm packages.

Microservice #1 may therefore be React with Typescript and Redux. While microservice #2 is a React app that makes use of Hooks and javascript. This is mainly because we are not any longer constrained by the operations of other entities. As a result, even if the customer wishes to add more functionalities in three years, they will be able to exploit the most recent developments. If you can install it as an NPM package, you could theoretically even create a microservice-based on Angular or another Javascript library.

● The ability to modify the tools or libraries used without having to overhaul the entire codebase is another feature that will make the program easier to maintain.

Use Cases With React Microservices | When should you go for Microservices?

How then can you determine whether microservices are a perfect fit for your venture? The following list of Use Cases illustrates how well microservices architecture often works. Have a look.

● High-load apps: The scalability and durability of modular web application design are advantageous for high-load online applications. These programs must be scalable without interruption as user requests increase. They must be able to handle peak loads without sacrificing user experience or performance. Applications with plenty of features that profit from the services-oriented architecture includes eCommerce platforms and international B2B web portals.

● Swiftly changing solutions: Microservices are preferred by established startups and rapidly developing product firms who have moved past the MVP stage and are developing systems that are ready for the market because of their agility, short time-to-market, and capacity to quickly adapt to the shifting technology landscape. With microservices, you can swiftly update apps, try out new functionality and technologies and stay on the cutting edge.

● Business solutions: Large corporate software frequently comprises numerous modules, applications, and integrations with proprietary or third-party systems, and it utilizes numerous data sources. Enterprise software requires flexibility, dependability, and enhanced data security, all of which are enabled by modular architecture. This strategy is applicable to both on-premises hosted systems and cloud-native solutions. Additionally, it can be modified to fit the enterprise's particular needs and architecture.

● Decentralized data management: Every service on the microservice platform “owns” its database, and other services must use its API to access it. This is useful when access to each process, including its databases, needs to be secured and the business has a number of autonomous process flows.

● Strong boundary module: Dividing the software into separate modules will allow you to give each module a distinct business logic and/or functionality. Decoupled software is simple to maintain since its functionality is broken down into separate modules. Furthermore, only one specific module, not the entire system, needs to be fully understood in order to implement improvements. It is useful for creating sizable apps that must adapt to shifting market conditions and user demands.

● Autonomous deployment: Platforms for microservices like Amazon Microservices facilitate the autonomous deployment of their services while they are being released to production. For businesses that use continuous delivery and deployment, this is helpful. You can deploy just one stream and perform the commit instead of having to commit the full build. It enables businesses to perform production releases multiple times per day.

● Variety in technology: You have the choice to choose your preferred development technology while developing a module or service because each microservice can be independently deployed. This is useful when creating an architecture that calls for a variety of technologies to perform particular functions. Ideal for creating cross-platform application platforms and IoT development.

● Development that is remote or distributed: To create a certain service, each team focuses on a different technology. Very helpful for businesses that offshore IT projects to multiple nations to reduce development expenses. Technology-specific modules can be developed by remote teams with expertise in that specific microservice technology instead of by an in-house team.

● Maintain high levels of consistency: Similar to the microservices offered by the AWS microservices architecture, each microservice can be tested separately. Additionally, each service may be evaluated frequently as they undergo modifications.

As a result, the architecture as a whole is very stable and trustworthy. It is useful for businesses that use real-time systems and have a strong competitive advantage because of platform stability.

● Operational difficulty: You may create complicated or large-scale applications that support various business logic and functionality since each service can be designed separately and the microservice architecture allows you to design several services.


Some crucial events contribute to the growth and need for microservices architecture. This includes frustration at being unable to use monolith design to get desired results and productivity levels. Have a look at how you can implement the monolithic architecture using React in the front end: here is our tutorial blog depicting React Micro Frontend. Second, is the proliferation of technologies and tools that make it simple to create and use microservices applications. And third, the widespread use of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers like Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, and others that have simplified DevOps operations.


Q. Which famous brands are using microservices?

A. The microservice architecture has been implemented by businesses like Netflix, Microsoft, Google, Uber, Amazon, and Twitter, with unbeatable success. With the help of its global user base of 93.8 million, Netflix has been able to stream more than 10 billion hours of movies and television. Amazon’s engineers can now release code every 11.7 seconds as well.

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