Bright Side Of Coronavirus!

Bek Brace - Mar 22 '20 - - Dev Community

“In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” ,said a wise man

Is there a bright side of the Coronavirus ?

Absolutely there is and I'm going to tell you how, but first let me take you and fly around the world for a few seconds, shall we?

I am in Poland currently, the situation is like almost all European countries, everyone is being quarantined and walking for minutes to buy groceries , or got to the pharmacy or even walk your dog is under supervision, police is everywhere and ambulance sirens screaming day in night; let us jump to Moscow, Russia where my 8 years old son lives with his mother, the situation there is not pleasant like anywhere else in the world ; let us cross the sea and go to the land of Pharaohs Egypt where my parents live , schools universities theaters and museums are shut ; cafes and restaurants don't work and people are obliged to stay at home for 14 days. Churches and other religious houses are also shut, so no weddings no funerals.

So you see, life is almost frozen, and no one possess the luxury of liberty to hang out with friends or to go for shopping or to do whatever any time she/he wants.

But in fact I have a different point of view and I think you would agree with me as you might be a developer, tech nerd and a gamer liked myself.

                           ////Productivity Time////  
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On March 16th, I turned 37 [ Yes , white hair is popping up now :)] and I received two great books as a birthday present- which I need to finish as quickly as I can - one of the books is about HTML and CSS and the other book is about JavaScript and jQuery. You see if I was working at the the office, I wouldn't have too much time to sit and read and practice creating web sites and the like, but rather i would waste the time of getting dressed, going out and walking , I mean transportation time is cut now, and I have more time even if i am working from home, but I can have more time for myself and for the thing that I want to excel in [ web design and development] and I know this might take years to achieve, but things happen so fast now and I am quite confident that things that took years in the past, take months today.

Therefore, the COVID-19 pandemic has a bright side : Be Home and increase your productivity, read more, practice more, learn more and even spend time with your family and you loved ones more, right?

You can play Yoga or meditate, you can listen to music while enjoying a good book, or you can learn how to draw or to paint for instance, anything that you did not have the time to do before, now you've got the chance to do it.

Keep Safe and Happy Coding

And don't forget , “If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade.” said the same wise man :)

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