How to push Docker Image to Public and Private AWS ECR Repository

Chinmay Tonape - Mar 22 - - Dev Community

In this short tutorial we will see how we can push a Docker Image to a private or public registry in ECR.

Step 1: Create an AWS ECR Repository

A Private Repository: It will be managed and accessed by IAM and Registry Policy Permissions and not be accessible by everyone.

Private ECR Repository


A public Repository: It will be accessible by everyone.

Public ECR Repository

Created Repository
Private ECR Repo:
Private ECR Repo
Public ECR Repo:
Public ECR Repo

Step 2: Prepare Docker Image to be pushed to ECR

I have taken an example of a simple Nodejs application got from the internet and created an image on Docker Desktop using following command from the directory where DOCKERFILE for my app is present.

docker image build -t simple-nodejs-app.
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Tag the image before pushing to ECR
For Private ECR Repo

docker tag simple-nodejs-app:latest
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For Public ECR Repo

docker tag simple-nodejs-app:latest
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Step 3: Authenticate Docker to AWS ECR

You will need AWS credentials configured and required IAM permissions to that AWS user.
For Private ECR Repo:

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
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For Public ECR Repo:

aws ecr-public get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
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Step 4: Push Image to ECR

For Private ECR Repo:

docker push
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For Public ECR Repo:

docker push
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Image pushed to Private ECR Repo
Image in Private Repo

Image pushed to Public ECR Repo
Image ins Public Repo

Sample Image Push

And the image is ready to be used in a container started in an ECS or EKS cluster.

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