Purr-fectly Scripted: Clawing Your Way to a Successful Web Dev CFP Submission in 2024!

Alex Patterson - Dec 26 '23 - - Dev Community

TL;DR Check the links section to find places to submit a CFP.

Are you ready to make your mark on the web development conference circuit? If you're like me, a person running around with a black cat logo and a penchant for JavaScript, you know that a well-crafted Call for Papers (CFP) submission can be as tempting as a laser pointer on a blank wall. Let's leap into the world of CFPs with some cat-tastic humor and land on our feet, ready to conquer JavaScript topics at your next web development conference.

The CFP Submission

Landing on All Fours with Your CFP Submission

First, ensure your topic isn't as outdated as the superstition that black cats bring bad luck. Focus on the latest ESNext features, the purr-suit of functional programming, or how React hooks can help you catch more mice... I mean, bugs.

The Cat's Meow of Titles

Your title should be catchy, like that red dot AJ can never seem to catch. "Understanding 'this' Keyword - No, Not the Carpet This, the JavaScript This!" could be a great start. It's all about pouncing on the attendees' curiosity.

Abstracts: Shorter than a Cat Nap

Keep your abstract concise; after all, attention spans can be shorter than a kitten's whisker. A good abstract should scratch the surface, not bury it like... well, you know what I mean.

From Hiss to Purr: Addressing Pain Points

Every developer has felt the hiss of frustration when dealing with JavaScript's quirks. Offer solutions to turn those hisses into purrs of satisfaction. Propose a session on unraveling the tangled yarn ball of async programming, for instance.

Pouncing on the Details

Don't forget the essentials: your bio should shine like a freshly cleaned food bowl, and your presentation outline should be structured like a well-planned pounce.

Cat Puns: Because Why Not?

Infuse your proposal with humor. A joke here or there keeps things light-hearted. Did you hear about the cat who swallowed a ball of yarn? She had a litter of mittens! Remember, though, too many puns might make it seem like you're trying too hard to stay paw-sitive (maybe this post has too many who knows).

Conclusion: Land on Your Feet

With a purr-fectly polished proposal, you'll land on your feet at the top of the CFP pile. Just remember, if at first, you don't succeed, you can always try, try again! After all, we cats always land on our feet, and we have nine lives to get it right!


So, stretch out those paws, sharpen your claws on the keyboard, and submit a CFP that's the catnip of the conference. And if you ever feel discouraged, just remember: even a cat could learn JavaScript – as long as it doesn't interfere with our 16 hours of required daily sleep.


Conference Tools

Two of the biggest tools that I use when trying to find conferences are:

  • confs.tech​ - Open-source and crowd-sourced list of conferences around software development
  • TechDailyCFP - Retweeting Calls for Presenters for Tech Conferences and Code Camps
  • Sessionize - easy place to submit and reuse CFPs.


See Full List

Hosting a Conference


As the world of web development continuously evolves, conferences play a pivotal role in sharing knowledge and advancements. The call for papers is your first step in gathering a diverse range of insights and expertise for your 2024 web development conference. Here's how to write a compelling and inclusive CFP.

Understanding Your Audience

Before drafting your CFP, understand who your audience is. Web development is a broad field, encompassing front-end, back-end, full-stack, and various specialized areas. Consider the following:

  • Experience Levels: Are you targeting beginners, intermediate, or expert developers?
  • Specializations: Do you want to focus on specific technologies or frameworks?
  • Geographical Reach: Is this a global conference or more regionally focused?

Setting the Theme

Your conference should have a clear, engaging theme. For 2024, consider emerging trends and technologies. Potential themes might include:

  • Advancements in Frameworks and Libraries
  • Emerging Web Technologies
  • Sustainability and Ethics in Web Development

Crafting the Call

Your CFP should be clear, concise, and inviting. Key components include:

  • Introduction: Briefly introduce the conference and its theme.
  • Topics of Interest: List specific areas or questions you want the papers to address.
  • Submission Guidelines: Provide clear instructions on how to submit, including format, length, and any required templates.
  • Important Dates: Clearly state the submission deadline, notification date, and conference dates.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Statement: Encourage submissions from a diverse range of participants, emphasizing the value of different perspectives.

Promotion Strategies

Your CFP needs to reach potential contributors effectively. Use the following channels:

  • Social Media: Leverage platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and specialized forums.
  • Email Campaigns: Send the CFP to relevant mailing lists and previous conference attendees.
  • Academic and Professional Networks: Engage with universities and professional groups.

Review Process

Outline your review process to ensure transparency. Mention how papers will be evaluated and the criteria used.

Providing Assistance

Offer resources for potential contributors, especially those who might be submitting for the first time. This can include writing workshops or webinars.


A well-written CFP is crucial for the success of your web development conference. It should not only attract high-quality submissions but also reflect the diversity and dynamism of the web development community. Remember, the goal is to spark interest, encourage participation, and set the stage for an informative and inspiring event.

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