General Coding Standards for Vue js.

Dharmendra Kumar - Aug 6 - - Dev Community

Here are additional good and bad practices for Vue.js:

General Coding Standards

  1. Avoid Magic Numbers and Strings:
    • Use constants for values that are used repeatedly or have special meaning.
   // Good
   const MAX_ITEMS = 10;

   function addItem(item) {
     if (items.length < MAX_ITEMS) {

   // Bad
   function addItem(item) {
     if (items.length < 10) {
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  1. Use v-for Efficiently:
    • When using v-for, always provide a unique key to optimize rendering.
   <!-- Good -->
   <div v-for="item in items" :key="">
     {{ }}

   <!-- Bad -->
   <div v-for="item in items">
     {{ }}
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  1. Avoid Inline Styles:
    • Prefer using CSS classes over inline styles for better maintainability.
   <!-- Good -->
   <div class="item">{{ }}</div>

   <style scoped>
   .item {
     color: red;

   <!-- Bad -->
   <div :style="{ color: 'red' }">{{ }}</div>
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Component Practices

  1. Component Reusability:
    • Design components to be reusable and configurable through props.
   // Good
   <BaseButton :label="buttonLabel" :disabled="isDisabled" @click="handleClick" />

   // Bad
   <button :disabled="isDisabled" @click="handleClick">{{ buttonLabel }}</button>
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  1. Prop Validation:
    • Always validate props using type and required attributes.
   // Good
   props: {
     title: {
       type: String,
       required: true
     age: {
       type: Number,
       default: 0

   // Bad
   props: {
     title: String,
     age: Number
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  1. Avoid Long Methods:
    • Break down long methods into smaller, more manageable methods.
   // Good
   methods: {
     fetchData() {
     async fetchUserData() { ... },
     async fetchPostsData() { ... }

   // Bad
   methods: {
     async fetchData() {
       const userResponse = await fetch('api/user');
       this.user = await userResponse.json();
       const postsResponse = await fetch('api/posts');
       this.posts = await postsResponse.json();
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  1. Avoid Computed Properties with Side Effects:
    • Computed properties should be used for pure computations and not for side effects.
   // Good
   computed: {
     fullName() {
       return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;

   // Bad
   computed: {
     fetchData() {
       // Side effect: fetch data inside a computed property
       return this.user;
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Template Practices

  1. Use v-show vs v-if:
    • Use v-show for toggling visibility without adding/removing elements from the DOM, and v-if when conditionally rendering elements.
   <!-- Good: Use v-show for toggling visibility -->
   <div v-show="isVisible">Content</div>

   <!-- Good: Use v-if for conditional rendering -->
   <div v-if="isLoaded">Content</div>

   <!-- Bad: Use v-if for simple visibility toggling -->
   <div v-if="isVisible">Content</div>
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  1. Avoid Large Templates:
    • Keep templates clean and small; break them into smaller components if they become too large.
   <!-- Good: Small, focused template -->
       <BaseHeader />
       <BaseContent />
       <BaseFooter />

   <!-- Bad: Large, monolithic template -->
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State Management Practices

  1. Use Vuex for State Management:
    • Use Vuex for managing complex state across multiple components.
   // Good
   // store.js
   export default new Vuex.Store({
     state: { user: {} },
     mutations: {
       setUser(state, user) {
         state.user = user;
     actions: {
       async fetchUser({ commit }) {
         const user = await fetchUserData();
         commit('setUser', user);
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  1. Avoid Direct State Mutation in Components:
    • Use mutations to modify Vuex state rather than directly mutating state in components.
   // Good
   methods: {
     updateUser() {
       this.$store.commit('setUser', newUser);

   // Bad
   methods: {
     updateUser() {
       this.$store.state.user = newUser; // Direct mutation
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Error Handling and Debugging

  1. Global Error Handling:
    • Use Vue’s global error handler for catching and handling errors.
   Vue.config.errorHandler = function (err, vm, info) {
     console.error('Vue error:', err);
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  1. Provide User Feedback:
    • Provide clear feedback to users when an error occurs.
   // Good
   methods: {
     async fetchData() {
       try {
         const data = await fetchData(); = data;
       } catch (error) {
         this.errorMessage = 'Failed to load data. Please try again.';

   // Bad
   methods: {
     async fetchData() {
       try { = await fetchData();
       } catch (error) {
         console.error('Error fetching data:', error);
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By adhering to these additional practices, you can further enhance the quality, maintainability, and efficiency of your Vue.js applications.

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