Django QuerySets Are Lazy

DoriDoro - Jul 2 - - Dev Community


When working with Django's ORM, one of the fundamental aspects you'll encounter is the laziness of QuerySets. This characteristic significantly impacts how you write and optimize your code. But what does it mean to say that "Django QuerySets are lazy"? Let's explore this concept, and understand the implications it has on our code.

Laziness of QuerySets

In Django, a QuerySet represents a collection of database queries, but it doesn't actually hit the database until the results are needed. This is what laziness refers to: the QuerySet is created, but no database query is executed until you "evaluate" the QuerySet.

QuerySets are evaluated only when you:

  • Iterate over them
  • Convert them to a list
  • Slicing
  • Pickle or cache them
  • Call methods that require database access, such as .exists(), .first(), or .count()

Practical Example: Validating Emails in a Form

Let's consider an example where you need to validate an email field in a Django form. You're tasked with checking if an email address is blacklisted. Here are two ways to achieve this:

def clean_email(self):
    email = self.cleaned_data['email']
    blacklisted_users = User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email)
    user = blacklisted_users.filter(is_blacklisted=True).first()
    if user:
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('This email address is blacklisted.')
    return email
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def clean_email(self):
    email = self.cleaned_data['email']
    if User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email, is_blacklisted=True).exists():
        raise forms.ValidationError(
            _('This email address is blacklisted.')
    return email
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Analyzing the Two Approaches

At first glance, these methods seem quite similar, but understanding how Django QuerySets work will highlight why the second one is more efficient.

Approach 1: Chained QuerySets

In this approach, two separate queries are constructed:

  1. blacklisted_users = User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email)
  2. user = blacklisted_users.filter(is_blacklisted=True).first()

When if user: is evaluated, only then does the second query hit the database. Despite being chained, each call essentially constructs a new QuerySet.

Approach 2: Single Query

The second approach directly chains the filters in one QuerySet:

  1. User.objects.filter(email__iexact=email, is_blacklisted=True).exists()

Here, the database query is executed only when .exists() is called, making it more efficient. This approach consolidates the query, resulting in only one hit to the database.

Importance of Lazy Evaluation

Both examples illustrate Django's lazy evaluation of QuerySets. The queries are not executed until they are absolutely needed:

  • When if user: is evaluated in the first approach
  • When exists() is called in the second approach

Efficiency Comparison

Even though the first approach appears to split the filtering process into two steps, Django's lazy evaluation sees no difference. The query is executed only when the final result is needed. However, the second approach is more concise and potentially more optimized due to:

  • Fewer lines of code
  • Only one database call, which is often more efficient


Django's lazy QuerySets enable deferred execution, allowing you to chain operations without immediate database hits. While the first approach segments the query into steps, the second approach is preferable for its clarity and efficiency. Understanding and taking advantage of lazy evaluation can lead to more efficient and readable code.

By grasping this concept, you can write more optimized Django applications, reducing unnecessary database queries and improving overall performance.

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