React or Vuejs: Which to Use?

Emediong Bassey - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

Hi there, it’s been a loooong while!!!🤩

My first article on was published some years ago, and guess who’s back! 💪

It’s already obvious that this is my second article here, and in this piece, I will be attempting a Comparative Case Study of two Popular Frontend Technologies which are Reactjs and Vuejs.

This article is the Stage 0 Frontend task of the HNG 11 Internship Program which fully resumes on July 1st. You might be asking, what the heck is HNG? Hear me out then!

The HNG ( Internship is a large-scale remote internship program designed to help budding tech talent acquire and refine their skills through real-world projects. It is primarily focused on individuals in Africa, but it is open to participants globally. The program typically runs for several months and covers various aspects of software development, design, project management, and more🙌

You can register for the internship at, and also subscribe for the HNG Premium at, to get access to certifications, mentorship, job announcements and connect with world-class professionals. Personally, I have been a part of the previous two editions of the internship, and I can always recommend the program to any techie with a desire to do big things.

Enough of the chit-chat, let’s get started 😅

Comparing React and Vue.js: A Technical Perspective

Choosing a frontend library/framework to learn can be a very uphill task for newbies.

When I say newbies, I include anyone who just learnt HTML, CSS and JS😝. Pardon me, I also identify with you😅! Youtube channels and Tech influencers are not even helping these guys (newbies), because they just glorify a particular stack without giving a reason why they do that.

Even Senior developers often find themselves debating between which Frontend tool to use for large-scale products. Of course, most projects will always go with React and Vue.js, most times because they are the two most popular JavaScript libraries/frameworks in the industry. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice often depends on the specific requirements of the project, but have we ever looked into why and when we can use them?

In this piece, I will be providing a detailed comparison of React and Vue.js from a technical standpoint - I bet you, this might just be the best thing for newbies and product-driven frontend developers😎


React was developed by Facebook and released in 2013. It is a JavaScript library primarily used for building user interfaces. React emphasizes the creation of reusable UI components and it utilizes a virtual DOM to optimize rendering performance.

Vue was developed by Evan You and released in 2014. It is a progressive JavaScript framework designed for building user interfaces and can function as a library for small projects or a full-fledged framework for larger applications. It also uses a virtual DOM for rendering optimization.

2. Learning Curve;

Most often than few, newbies ask the question, which one is faster to learn? Let’s check

Learning React requires understanding JavaScript ES6+ features and JSX, a syntax extension that allows HTML within JavaScript. React’s ecosystem includes various libraries for state management (e.g., Redux, MobX), routing (e.g., React Router), and other functionalities, which can add complexity. React’s documentation is comprehensive (check it out at, but the unopinionated nature of React means developers need to make more decisions about architecture and state management.

Vue.js is often considered easier for beginners due to its simpler syntax and design. It uses a template-based syntax similar to HTML, which can be more intuitive for new developers. Vue provides an official state management library (Vuex) and router (Vue Router) as part of its ecosystem, making it more opinionated and providing a clearer structure out of the box.

3. Performance

React’s performance is optimized through the use of a virtual DOM, which minimizes direct manipulation of the real DOM.React Fiber, a reimplementation of the React core algorithm, improves rendering performance and provides better handling of asynchronous rendering. React is suitable for complex, high-performance applications.

Vue also uses a virtual DOM and offers performance comparable to React in most scenarios. Vue's reactivity system is highly efficient, ensuring that only components that rely on reactive data are re-rendered. Performance differences between Vue and React are often negligible and depend more on the specific implementation and optimization techniques used.

4. Community and Ecosystem

React has a larger community and a more mature ecosystem due to its earlier release and backing by Facebook. React has extensive resources, tutorials, and third-party libraries are available. It has a vast number of job opportunities and a strong presence in enterprise-level applications.

Vue’s community is smaller but very active and growing rapidly. The Vue ecosystem is robust, with official libraries for routing (Vue Router) and state management (Vuex), as well as a CLI tool for project scaffolding. Vue is gaining traction in the industry, particularly among startups and smaller companies.

5. Flexibility and Scalability

React is highly flexible and can be integrated into various stacks and platforms. Suitable for both small projects and large, scalable applications. The unopinionated nature allows developers to choose their tools and libraries, offering great flexibility but requiring more decisions.

Vue is also flexible and can be integrated into existing projects incrementally. Designed to scale from simple to complex applications with its core libraries. The opinionated structure can lead to more consistency and faster development times for new projects.

6. Tooling

Create React App (CRA) provides a quick start for new projects with a well-configured environment. A rich set of development tools and extensions, including React Developer Tools for Chrome and Firefox and supports TypeScript and modern JavaScript out of the box.

Vue CLI offers a powerful project scaffolding tool with plugins for additional functionalities. Vue Devtools provides an excellent debugging experience. Vue supports TypeScript and modern JavaScript features, with TypeScript integration improving over time.

7. State Management

State management is a critical aspect, often handled by libraries like Redux, MobX, or the Context API. The ecosystem provides multiple options, but it can be challenging to choose the right one.

Vuex is the official state management library, providing a centralized store for all application components. Vuex is well-documented and integrates seamlessly with Vue, making state management more straightforward.


Both React and Vue.js are powerful tools for building modern web applications, and the choice between them often comes down to the specific needs of the project and the preferences of the development team.

React is ideal for large-scale applications where flexibility and performance are critical, especially if you appreciate its component-based architecture and are comfortable with JavaScript and JSX.

Vue.js is excellent for smaller to medium-sized projects or when you need a more straightforward and opinionated framework that speeds up development with its template-based syntax and integrated libraries.

Ultimately, both frameworks have strong communities, excellent documentation, and a wide range of use cases, making either a solid choice for your next project.

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