Are you following the Best Coding Practices?

Enakshi Pal - Dec 19 '23 - - Dev Community

In the vast landscape of software development, to deliver the modules on time, as developers we often forget to adhere to the best practices.

Well, understanding and implementing coding standards is akin to mastering the secret language that makes code not just work, but work well.

Even experienced developers occasionally slip up on these standards, surprised?

For those just stepping into the coding arena, this exploration serves as a valuable roadmap. It's not just about following rules for the sake of it; it's about learning the language of collaboration and efficiency that can set you apart in the corporate coding realm.

Whether you're a seasoned coder or a fresh face eager to dive into the corporate coding scene, this blog will guide you to unravel the significance of coding standards in creating software that's not just functional but shines in the eyes of industry experts.

Here in this blog, we will look at the examples in two of the most popular languages, Java and Python, about how coding standards can become the compass leading us to success in the dynamic world of corporate software development.

Why Coding Standards Matter:

  • Consistency Enhances Readability:

    • Why: Consistent coding styles make it easier for developers to understand and collaborate on projects. It streamlines comprehension and reduces the learning curve for new team members.
    • Example (Java):
     // Inconsistent Naming
     int calculateSum(int x, int y) {
         return x + y;
     // Consistent Naming (CamelCase)
     int calculateSum(int firstNumber, int secondNumber) {
         return firstNumber + secondNumber;
    • Example (Python):
     # Inconsistent Naming
     def calculate_sum(x, y):
         return x + y
     # Consistent Naming (Snake_case)
     def calculate_sum(first_number, second_number):
         return first_number + second_number
  • Indentation for Clarity:

    • Why: Proper indentation improves code readability, aiding in the visual structure of the code and making it easier to follow.
    • Example (Java):
     // Improper Indentation
     public void displayInfo() {
     // Proper Indentation
     public void displayInfo() {
    • Example (Python):
     # Improper Indentation
     def display_info():
     # Proper Indentation
     def display_info():
  • Commenting for Understanding:

    • Why: Comprehensive comments provide insights into the logic and purpose of code, fostering better collaboration and easing the maintenance process.
    • Example (Java):
     // Unclear Code
     int result = x + y; // Calculate result
     // Clear Commenting
     int sum = x + y; // Calculate sum of x and y
    • Example (Python):
     # Unclear Code
     result = x + y  # Calculate result
     # Clear Commenting
     sum_result = x + y  # Calculate sum of x and y
  • Unused Code Cleanup:

    • Why: Removing unused code enhances codebase clarity, reduces complexity, and helps in maintaining a lean and efficient application.
    • Example (Java):
     // Unused Method 
     public void unusedMethod() {
         // Code here
     // Remove Unused Method
    • Example (Python):
     # Unused Function
     def unused_function():
         # Code here
     # Remove Unused Function
  • Testing and Error Handling:

    • Why: Rigorous testing and robust error handling ensure the reliability and stability of the software, preventing unexpected issues.
    • Example (Java):
     // Inadequate Testing
     public int divide(int x, int y) {
         return x / y;
     // Improved Testing with Error Handling
     public int divide(int x, int y) {
         if (y != 0) {
             return x / y;
         } else {
             throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot divide by zero");
    • Example (Python):
     # Inadequate Testing
     def divide(x, y):
         return x / y
     # Improved Testing with Error Handling
     def divide(x, y):
         if y != 0:
             return x / y
             raise ValueError("Cannot divide by zero")
  • Security Considerations:

    • Why: Adhering to security guidelines safeguards against vulnerabilities, protecting the application and user data from potential threats.
    • Example (Java):
     // Vulnerable Code
     String userInput = request.getParameter("input");
     // Secure Input Processing (Sanitization)
     String sanitizedInput = sanitizeInput(userInput);
    • Example (Python):
     # Vulnerable Code
     user_input = request.get("input")
     # Secure Input Processing (Sanitization)
     sanitized_input = sanitize_input(user_input)
  • Code Reusability:

    • Why: Writing modular and reusable code components reduces redundancy, promotes maintainability, and accelerates development.
    • Example (Java):
     // Non-reusable Code
     public int calculateSum(int x, int y) {
         return x + y;
     // Reusable Code
     public int calculateSum(int... numbers) {
         int sum = 0;
         for (int num : numbers) {
             sum += num;
         return sum;
    • Example (Python):
     # Non-reusable Code
     def calculate_sum(x, y):
         return x + y
     # Reusable Code
     def calculate_sum(*numbers):
         return sum(numbers)
  • Declaring Constants:

    • Why: Using constants enhances code readability, centralizes configuration, and facilitates easier modifications.
    • Example (Java):
     // Without Constants
    public double calculateArea(double radius) {
    return 3.14159 * radius * radius;
    // With Constants
    public static final double PI = 3.14159;
    public static final double EARTH_RADIUS = 6371.0;
    public double calculateArea(double radius) {
     return PI * radius * radius;
    • Example (Python):
     # Without Constants
      def calculate_area(radius):
          return 3.14159 * radius * radius
     # With Constants
       PI = 3.14159
       EARTH_RADIUS = 6371.0
      def calculate_area(radius):
          return PI * radius * radius
  • Easy Modification for Collaboration:

    • Why: Structuring code for easy modification enables smoother collaboration, allowing developers to work seamlessly on different parts of the project.
    • Example (Java):
      // Hard-to-Modify Code
      public void processUserData(String name, int age, String address) {
          // Code here
      // Easy-to-Modify Code
      public void processUserData(User user) {
          // Code here
    • Example (Python):
      # Hard-to-Modify Code
      def process_user_data(name, age, address):
          # Code here
      # Easy-to-Modify Code
      def process_user_data(user):
          # Code here
  • Null Checks:

    • Why: Incorporating null checks prevents null pointer exceptions, ensuring more robust and error-resistant code.
    • Example (Java):
      // Null Check (Good Practice)
      if (object != null) {
          // Code here
      // Performing Operations Safely (Checking for Null)
      User user = getUser();
      if (user != null) {
          // Code here
    • Example (Python):
      # Null Check (Good Practice)
      if object is not None:
          # Code here
      # Performing Operations Safely (Checking for Null)
      user = get_user()
      if user is not None:
          # Code here
  • Avoiding DML Inside Loops:

    • Why: Executing Data Manipulation Language (DML) operations inside loops can lead to performance issues. Batching operations outside the loop is more efficient.
    • Example (Java):
      // Avoiding DML Inside Loop (Good Practice)
      List<User> usersToUpdate = getUsersToUpdate();
      List<User> updatedUsers = new ArrayList<>();
      for (User user : usersToUpdate) {
          // Modify user data here
      // Perform a single update outside the loop
    • Example (Python):
      # Avoiding DML Inside Loop (Good Practice)
      users_to_update = get_users_to_update()
      updated_users = []
      for user in users_to_update:
          # Modify user data here
      # Perform a single update outside the loop

By now we have understood that coding standards are the backbone of well-organized and maintainable codebases. They foster collaboration, reduce bugs, and enhance the overall quality of software.

So, let’s make sure to follow the coding standards and contribute to the creation of robust and efficient applications, ensuring successful deliverables.

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