Vue vs React??

Abayomi Eniola - Jun 29 - - Dev Community

Hi guys πŸ˜‡, today I will be speaking on the comparisons between React.js and Vue.js. This would cover the advantages of one over the other, ease of use, reusability, and speed. I shall split this into sections to keep everything clear and concise.

React.js uses a syntax called jsx which stands for javascript xml. Personally it was not so difficult to get used to it, but from I read online, it seemed like a big issues for newbies with react. Vue provides a template syntax, which is an HTML-based syntax that provides a clear separation between the presentation(HTML) and the logic(JavaScript).

Both React and Vue use a virtual DOM to optimize updates and rendering. It is a technique which creates a copy of the DOM element, to implement any new change before applying these changes to the DOM only where necessary. It is generally fast.

React.js is one of the largest communities among JavaScript frameworks. It has an extensive ecosystem with a wide range of libraries, and integrations available. It has a higher demand in the job market than Vue.js.
According to Stack Overflow’s 2023 Developer Survey, React is more popular than Vue.

Javascript Frontend Frameworks

React.js is just a view library, so you have the freedom to choose your own state management, routing, and other libraries. It is suitable for building large-scale applications. The flexibility can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, as it requires more decisions to be made by the developer.
Vue.js is also quite flexible but provides a more opinionated approach with built-in solutions for common tasks (e.g., state management with Vuex, routing with Vue Router). It is also scalable.

React.js Uses a component-based architecture, making it easy to reuse and manage code. Reacth.js has strong tooling support with Create React App, React DevTools, etc. Vue.js also uses a component-based architecture, with single-file components that contain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a single file. Vue.js consits of good tooling support with Vue CLI, Vue DevTools, etc.


React.js is highly flexible, consists by a large community, and widely used in the industry. It's ideal for developers who prefer a ccomponent-based approach and are comfortable making decisions about state management and routing libraries.

Vue.js is known for its ease of learning, and fewer decision making on state management with built-in solutions.

Both frameworks have their strengths and are suitable for building modern web applications. The choice between React.js and Vue.js often comes down to personal preference, and specific project requirement.


I hope you'll enjoyed this post πŸ™‚β€β†”οΈ, heavily inspired by Hng 11. This post epxposed me to the capabilities of VUe.js as I was already familiar with React.js, I'll most likely explore more some time.

About Me:

My name is Abayomi Eniola Faithful. I am Frontend Developer. Recently starting exploring Next.js. Feel free to reach out so we could connect!!! Began my journey ofn Hng Intership Program, and I am so excited to see how much I can learn😎
