Demystifying Frontend: A Dive into ReactJS vs. Svelte

faith Josephs - Jul 1 - - Dev Community

Hey everyone! I'm thrilled to be joining the HNG Internship program, and I'm especially excited to delve into the world of frontend development using ReactJS. As someone new to the field, I recently came across Svelte, another interesting framework, and it got me curious about the differences between the two. So, I decided to explore them both and share my findings!

The Showdown: ReactJS vs. Svelte

Let's break down these two popular frontend technologies:

ReactJS: You might already be familiar with React, a powerful JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It uses components, which are reusable building blocks that encapsulate data and functionality. React also employs a virtual DOM, a lightweight representation of the real DOM, to efficiently update the UI when changes occur.

React boasts a massive community, tons of learning resources, and a strong ecosystem of tools and libraries. However, it can have a steeper learning curve due to its structure and might feel a bit verbose for smaller projects.

Svelte: This is a newer challenger in the frontend framework arena. Unlike React, Svelte takes a unique approach. It compiles code during build time, eliminating the need for a virtual DOM. This can lead to improved performance and smaller bundle sizes. Svelte also features a simpler syntax compared to React, making it easier to learn.

However, Svelte's community and resources are still growing compared to React's established presence. Additionally, its rapid evolution might not be ideal for all projects.

Why ReactJS at HNG?

While both ReactJS and Svelte are great tools, there are strong reasons why HNG focuses on React:

Learning Advantage: HNG's curriculum with ReactJS provides a solid foundation for frontend development. The vast React community ensures easy access to help and resources whenever you get stuck.
Career Opportunities: Learning React opens doors to a wide range of job opportunities in the tech industry. Many companies heavily rely on React for their frontend development, so mastering it will put you ahead of the curve.


ReactJS and Svelte both offer excellent features for building user interfaces, but they cater to different preferences. ReactJS provides a comprehensive framework with a strong support system, while Svelte offers a more streamlined approach with potential performance benefits.

I'm incredibly enthusiastic about learning ReactJS at HNG [] and can't wait to build amazing projects with this powerful library. While I'm focusing on React now, I'm definitely keeping an eye on Svelte's future developments!

Who knows, maybe I'll explore both in the future and share my learnings with you all. Feel free to share your experiences with frontend development in the comments below!
