How to Create Deploy and Connect to a Virtual Machine on Azure

Florence Enenmo - Jun 14 - - Dev Community

Step 1: Set up your Azure Account

Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine

Step 3: Connect to your Virtual Machine

Step 1: Set Up Your Azure Account

Sign Up or Log In:

If you don't have an Azure account, sign up at Azure Free Account.
If you already have an account, log in at Azure Portal.

Azure Subscription:

Ensure you have an active subscription. If you're new to Azure, you might start with a free trial which includes credits for initial usage.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Machine

Navigate to Azure Portal:

Once logged in, go to the Azure Portal dashboard.

Create a Resource:

Click on "Create a resource" in the left-hand menu.

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Select Virtual Machine

In the "New" section, search for "Virtual Machine" and select it.

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Configure Basics

Subscription: Select your Azure subscription.
Resource Group: Create a new resource group or select an existing one.

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Virtual Machine Name: Enter a name for your VM.

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Region: Choose the region from the dropdown where you want your VM to be hosted.

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Choose the availability option and availability zone.

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Image: Select the operating system or application for the virtual machine from the list of available operating systems.

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Size: Choose the appropriate VM size based on your requirements (CPU, RAM, etc.).

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Authentication Type: Choose Password and create a username and password for logging in to the VM.

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Disk Options

Configure the OS disk and any additional data disks if needed. Default settings usually suffice for general purposes.


Configure networking settings. The default options are usually fine for a basic setup.
Ensure "Public IP" is enabled to allow remote access to your VM.

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Configure monitoring, identity, and backup options. Default settings are typically sufficient for a basic VM.

Review and Create

Review your configuration settings.
Click Create to deploy the VM.

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Step 3: Connect to Your Windows 11 VM

Go to Virtual Machines

Once the deployment is complete, navigate to Go to Resource

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Select your Virtual Machine

Find and select the Window Virtual Machine you created from the list.


In the VM's overview page, click on the Connect button at the top.

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Choose RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) as the connection method.

Download RDP File

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Click Download RDP File and open it with your Remote Desktop then click Connect

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Log In

Enter the username and password you created during the VM setup process.

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You should now be connected to your Windows 11 Virtual Machine.

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