Introduction to GROWI TypeScript/JavaScript SDK (Part 1: CRUD operations on pages)

Atsushi - Jun 19 - - Dev Community

GROWI, an open-source in-house wiki, has a public REST API. To make this API easier to use, we are developing a TypeScript/JavaScript SDK. It is still in progress, but we will gradually add more functions.

This article will explain how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on pages.


This is a community SDK. Please refrain from contacting the official.

Source code

The source code of GROWI TypeScript/JavaScript SDK is available on GitHub. The license is MIT.



Installation is done via npm/yarn.

$ npm install @goofmint/growi-js
# or
$ yarn add @goofmint/growi-js
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First, import the SDK.

const { GROWI } = require('@goofmint/growi-js');
// or
import { GROWI } from '@goofmint/growi-js';
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Then, initialize it. At this point, we specify the API token for GROWI.

const growi = new GROWI({ apiToken: 'your-api-token' });
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In addition, the following parameters are provided.

  • url : URL of GROWI. The default is http://localhost:3000.
  • path : specifies the page path of GROWI. The default is '' . Specify when installing in a subdirectory.

Get page

Currently, getting pages from the root is supported. The return value is a Page object.

const page = await growi.root();
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The page body is retrieved using the contents method.

const contents = await page.contents();
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Get child pages

Use the children method to retrieve child pages. This is an array of Page.

const children = await page.children();
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Update body text

To update the body, apply the body to the contents method. Then, call the save method.

page.contents('new body');
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Create a new page

To create a new page, use the create method.

const newPage = await growi.create({name: 'new page'});
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When created, the body parameter can be used to specify the page's body, and the grant parameter can be used to specify the scope of the publication.

const newPage = await page.create({ name, grant: growi.Page.Grant.public });
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Remove a page

Use the remove method to remove a page.

await page.remove();
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The optional parameter isCompletely will physically remove the page. If isRecursively, child pages are also removed recursively.


As an in-house wiki, GROWI will likely need data linkage with in-house systems. Please use the Node.js SDK to operate GROWI from your system.

GROWI, an OSS development wiki tool | comfortable information sharing for all

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