How to build an end-to-end encrypted chat app in Next.js: Messages and encryption

Amarachi Iheanacho - Aug 30 '22 - - Dev Community

Encryption ensures data security through scrambling so that only authorized people can access and decode the information or data.

What we will be building

This post discusses using the Appwrite database feature to build a chat app. In this article, we’ll ensure data security using the cryptr library for encrypting and decrypting strings.

GitHub URL


This article is part 2 of the two-part series that describes how to build an end-to-end encrypted chat using Appwrite in a Next.js app. It is crucial to start with the first part to get the most out of this article. Check out the first part of the article here.

Installing cryptr

crypt is a simple aes-256-gcm module for encrypting and decrypting values of UTF-8 strings.

To install crypt, run this terminal command in our project directory.

    npm install cryptr
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Creating collection and attributes

On the left side of the Appwrite Console dashboard, click on the Database tab.

Appwrite Console Dashboard

Click on the Add Database button to create a new database. Creating a new database will lead us to the Collection page.

Next, we’ll create a collection in our database tab by clicking the Add Collection button. This action redirects us to a Permissions page.

Appwrite Console

At the Collection Level, we want to assign a Read Access and Write Access with a role:all value. We can customize these roles later to specify who has access to read or write to our database.

Appwrite Console

On the right side of the Permissions page, copy the Collection ID, which we’ll need to perform operations on the collection’s documents.

Next, go to the attributes tab to create the properties we want a document to have.

Appwrite Console

Let’s create a string attribute of message with a size of 256 bits.

Appwrite Console

Appwrite Console

Adding Chat app Interaction with Database

In the chat.jsx file inside pages folder, import the useState hook for handling states, Appwrite’s client instance, and Appwrite’s Databases method.

    import {  useState } from 'react';
    import { client} from '../init' 
    import { Databases } from 'appwrite';
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Next, create two state variables:

  • A messages state variable to hold the messages that a user is about to send.
  • A databaseMessages state variable to hold the messages retrieved from the database.
    const [message, setMessages] = useState("");
    const [databaseMessages, setDatabaseMessages] = useState(["hey"])
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We then create a databases instance using the Appwrite Databases method. This Databases method receives the client and the databaseID as parameters.

    const databases = new Databases(client, 'DatabaseID');
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Next, we create a listMessages function and a sendMessage function.

    const listMessages = async () => {
      const promise = await databases.listDocuments('CollectionID'); => setDatabaseMessages(prevArray => [...prevArray, document.message]))
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The listMessages in the code block above does the following:

  • Lists all the documents in a collection using Appwrite’s listDocuments method. This listDocuments method receives a collectionID as a parameter.
  • Updates the databaseMessages state variable with the messages saved in the documents.
    const sendMessage = async () => {
      try {
        await databases.createDocument('CollectionID', 'unique()', {
          "message": message
        alert('message sent')
       }catch (error) {
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The sendMessage function above does the following:

  • Creates a new document using Appwrite’s createDocument() function. This createDocument() function receives a collection ID, a unique() string, and attribute values as parameters.
  • Alerts us when we have successfully saved the message.
  • Clears out the message variable and calls the listMessages() function.
  • Logs any errors encountered to the console.

Next, we check whether the databaseMessages array is empty, then we loop through the data in the databaseMessages array and render the messages in our chat app.

    <div className='messages'>
        databaseMessages ? (
          <div className="message-container">
     > (
                <div className="user-message">{databaseMessage}</div>
        ) : null
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Next, we’ll pass the message variable as a value to our input field and our sendMessage function to the onClick event listener on our send button.

    <div className='input-area'>
      <input type="text" className='message-input' value={message} onChange={(e) => setMessages(}/>
      <button className='send' type='button' onClick={sendMessage}>send</button>
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After we are done with this section, this is how our chat.jsx file looks.

    import {  useState } from 'react';
    import { client} from '../init' 
    import { Databases } from 'appwrite';

    const Chat = () => {
      const [message, setMessages] = useState("");
      const [databaseMessages, setDatabaseMessages] = useState(["hey"])

      const databases = new Databases(client, 'DatabaseID');

      const listMessages = async () => {
        const promise = await databases.listDocuments('CollectionID'); => setDatabaseMessages(prevArray => [...prevArray, document.message]))

      const sendMessage = async () => {
        try {
          await databases.createDocument('CollectionID', 'unique()', {
            "message": message
          alert('message sent')
        } catch (error) {

      return (
        <div className='chat'>
          <div className='user-chat'>
            <div className="user-chat-header">USER</div>
            <div className='messages'>
      > (
                  <div className="user-message">{databaseMessage}</div>
            <div className='input-area'>
              <input type="text" className='message-input' value={message} onChange={(e) => setMessages(}/>
              <button className='send' type='button' onClick={sendMessage}>send</button>
    export default Chat;
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Here is how our chat app looks.

Chat App


Cryptr requires a secret key to encrypt or decrypt a string. At the root of our project, we create a .env.local file that will contain our secret key.

    ## .env.local

    NEXT_PUBLIC_KEY = "********"
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Using the "NEXT_PUBLIC" prefix when storing our secret key allows the environment variable to be available in our component.

Next, we import the crypt library in our chat.jsx file.

    import {  useEffect, useState } from 'react';
    import { client} from '../init' 
    import { Databases } from 'appwrite';

    const Cryptr = require('cryptr');
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We then create a cryptr instance to encrypt and decrypt our string using our secret key.

    import {  useEffect, useState } from 'react';
    import { client} from '../init' 
    import { Databases } from 'appwrite';
    const Cryptr = require('cryptr');

    const Chat = () => {
      const cryptr = new Cryptr(process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_KEY);
      return (
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The sendMessages function in our chat.jsx file will be responsible for encrypting the data. The crypt library lets us use the encrypt function to encrypt strings in our application.

    const sendMessage = async () => {
      // encrypt the string in our message state variable
      const encryptedMessage = cryptr.encrypt(message)
       try {
        await databases.createDocument('62dc54f155f11d4c38cb', 'unique()', {
        // stores the encrypted message instead of the original message
           "message": encryptedMessage
         alert('message sent')
       } catch (error) {
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The sendMessage function encrypts the data in the message state variable and then stores the encrypted data on our Appwrite database.

Chat App

The "hey" message gets encrypted and stored in our database as a bunch of numbers.

Appwrite Databse

Next, we’ll retrieve the encrypted data from our database and decrypt it to get the original message.

In the listMessages function, we’ll now decrypt the message we obtained from the Appwrite database.

    const listMessages = async () => {
      const promise = await databases.listDocuments('62dc54f155f11d4c38cb');
      setDatabaseMessages([]) =>{ 
      // map through the documents in the collection and decrypt each message
        const decryptedMessage = cryptr.decrypt(document.message)
        setDatabaseMessages(prevArray => [...prevArray, decryptedMessage])
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The listMessages function cleans out the databaseMessages array before looping and decrypting the messages in the document.

Appwrite Database Console

Here is how our chat app should look.

Appwrite Database


This article discussed achieving an end-to-end encrypted chat with cryptr and Appwrite.


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