The Truth About Learning Python in 2024

Halim Shams - Jul 13 - - Dev Community

Is Python Still the Golden Ticket?

For years, Python has been the darling of the programming world, touted as the key to unlocking a lucrative career in tech. But with the AI revolution, layoffs, and a shifting market, is Python still the best bet for programmers? In this article, we'll give you an objective assessment of Python's current state in the industry and reveal the real truth about learning programming languages in today's rapidly changing landscape.

To understand why Python has been so popular, let's take a step back. Python was created in 1991, a time when programming was a far cry from what it is today. Back then, languages like C, C++, and Java were the norm, and coding was a tough process. Python changed the game by making programming easy and accessible, allowing developers to achieve complex tasks with just a few lines of code. This led to a self-reinforcing cycle where Python's popularity made it even more popular, as companies had access to a larger pool of developers.

Today, Python remains a dominant force in industries like data science, AI, and backend development. However, with the AI revolution and the rise of "Big Data," the landscape is shifting. While AI might seem like a positive trend for Python programmers, the reality is that most AI development is now centered around existing tools like ChatGPT, rather than building new AI from scratch. Meanwhile, "Big Data" is becoming increasingly important, with companies using Python to analyze and draw insights from massive datasets.

So, is Python still a viable option for programmers? The answer is a resounding yes. According to job data, Python remains the second most popular programming language, behind JavaScript. However, the real truth about learning programming languages today is that it's not just about mastering one language. With AI democratizing programming, it's becoming easier for anyone to learn to code. What sets successful developers apart is their ability to solve problems with code, think critically, and make the right decisions about what code to write.

The Real Secret to Success as a Python Developer

In today's market, it's not enough to just learn Python or build a few simple projects. To stand out, you need to be able to sell your skills, showcase your problem-solving abilities, and demonstrate the character traits that companies look for in a developer. This might seem daunting, but the good news is that it's easier than you think. By focusing on building real-world projects, highlighting your skills, and showcasing your unique perspective, you can stand out from the crowd and land your dream job.

Final thoughts

While Python remains a dominant force in the industry, the real key to success lies in developing the skills, mindset, and character traits that companies look for in a developer. Most programmers out there don't even know how to do the basics, like most resumes that I look at, are so bad that if you just do a couple of the basics right, you'll automatically Stand Out above 95%, and I know this might sound overwhelming. You can just go out and take these steps and go and apply them yourself. If you're serious about making it happen in 2024, then go explore this article and build these project and put them in your resume:

Remember, these project ideas are just my recommendations which I found quite rare, you might have more brilliant ideas that you’d like to turn them to real life which prioritizing them above any other project is way more better than jumping to these project ideas.

This was all it for this article, don't forget to share it with others as well.

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