Coding in Binary Code ! A thing ?

Hamza Tamenaoul - Mar 25 '18 - - Dev Community

Originally posted in my portfolio.

Before you start making any false assumptions, no this post won't make you a machine language ninja ! It's purpose is to show you an implementation of a basic and simple algorithm in machine language, hopefully to give you an understanding of how things work on a deep level.

At first the algorithm I wanted to show you how to implement is the insertion sort algorithm. But while writing this post, I figured out that it's implementation was hard to understand for the beginner this post is for. So I decided to be doing a simpler one, a program that calculate the sum of 16 integers ( 32 bits long integers ).

"Machine language" is not a language but languages

In case you didn't know, machine language is not a language common to all machines like high level languages ( C - JavaScript ... ), but it's a language that is specific to each microprocessor. So which text editor should I use, is the last question you could ask. Because now you should ask about which documentation should you use, because it depends on which microprocessor your program would run.

Which processor are we going to use ?

Well, in this example, I will be using the Motorola MC68000 also known as MC68K, a 32 bits processor with a huge frequency of 2 MHz ( yeah, you heard right *M*Hz ). Yes it's an old one, but widely used in the 80's, and simple to start with.

A quick look in the hardware

First we have the microprocessor ( Wow ! #captain_obvious ). What interest us in it besides it's logical and arithmetic unit, is it's registers. What a register you might ask. Well, a register is a temporary memory located inside the microprocessor. There are two types, data registers, which can hold data ( thanks again captain obvious ), and address registers, which holds memory addresses. In our case, the MC68K has 8 address registers and 8 data registers, both of them can hold up to 32 bits of data. We are also going to be using a main memory of 16 M Bytes ( yes who needs more).

The algorithm

i ← 0
sum ← 0
while i < length(A)
    sum ← sum + A[i]
end while
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Or if you prefer in a more friendly language like C :

void sum(int arr[], int n)
   int i, sum = 0;
   for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
       sum += arr[i];
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Hold on a sec, we'll write in assembly first

In order for us not to drown in '1's and '0's, we should start by writing our code in assembly language. Assembly language is the layer just about machine language. And because assembly is just a more friendly way to write binary, it's also called machine language.

The assembly code

Finally ! To simplify things a little bit we'll assume we have in memory the array we'll use.

note : for simplicity I will skip some steps

START   MOVE    #15,D0         We initialize the counter, we will be decrementing 
        CLR     D1             We clear some registers nothing fancy, this one for the cumulative sum
        CLR     D2             this one for the current value to add to the sum 
        LEA     ARRAY(PC),A0   We store the array adress in an adress register
        LEA     SUM,A1         We store the memory address where we are going to write the result

 LOOP   MOVE.W  (A0)+,D2       Now copy each each element of the array 
        ADD.L   D2,D1          we add it to the cumulative sum 
        DBRA    D0,BCL         We loop till the counter is equal to -1, yep that's how loops without condition are done in assembly 
        TRAP    #0             We exit ( It's more complicated than that, but hey we're simplifiying )
        SUM     DS.L    1      We're asking for an empty spot in the memory
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The fun part ( Welcome to the matrix )

Hold on a sec, yes We'll write in binary but not in '1's and '0's, but in hexadecimal representation. In order to have the binary code, either we run an assembling program that will read each instruction ( an instruction is a line ), and write it in binary, and then we read the memory where it putted it to read the binary, but that will spoil the fun. Or we translate it manually. To do that we will need the processor documentation again to know how to translate each instruction and its arguments into binary. After doing it, we'll obtain the following code :

303C 000F 4241 4242 41FA 0014 43F9 0000 103E 3418 D282 51C8 FFFA 2281 4E40
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or if you insist, here it is in binary :

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note : the code will vary slightly depending on the address of the array and the address where the program will put the result


I hope that this post was fun to read, maybe you'll never need in your life to use assembly, but it's always fun and very interesting to see how the program we write in the high level language we cherish are seen by the microprocessor in reality.

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