The activation functions for Neural Network in PyTorch

Super Kai (Kazuya Ito) - Jun 14 - - Dev Community

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An activation function is the function or layer which enables neural network to learn complex(non-linear) relationships by transforming the output of the previous layer. *Without activation functions, neural network can only learn linear relationships.

There are popular activation functions as shown below:

(1) Step Function:

  • can convert input values to 0 or 1. *If input < 0, then 0 while if input >= 0, then 1.
  • is also called Binary Step Function, Unit Step Function, Binary Threshold Function, Threshold Function, Heaviside Step Function or Heaviside Function.
  • is heaviside() in PyTorch.

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(2) ReLU(Rectified Linear Unit) Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between 0 and input. *If input <= 0, then 0 while if input > 0, then input.
  • is ReLU() in PyTorch.

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(3) Leaky ReLU(Leaky Rectified Linear Unit) Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between input * slope and input. *Memos:
    • If input <= 0, then input * slope while if input > 0, then input.
    • slope is 0.01 basically.
  • is the improved version of ReLU Function.
  • is LeakyReLU() in PyTorch.

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(4) ELU(Exponential Linear Unit) Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between a * (einput - 1) and input. *Memos:
    • If input <= 0, then a * (einput - 1) while if input > 0, then input.
    • a is 1.0 basically.
  • is the improved version of ReLU Function.
  • is ELU() in PyTorch.

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(5) Sigmoid Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between 0 and 1.
  • 's formula is y = 1 / (1 + e-x).
  • is Sigmoid() in PyTorch.

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(6) Tanh Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between -1 and 1.
  • 's formula is y = (ex - e-x) / (ex + e-x).
  • is also called Hyperbolic Tangent Function.
  • is Tanh() in PyTorch.

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(7) Softmax Function:

  • can convert input values to the output values between 0 and 1 each and whose sum is 1(100%). *If input values are [5, 4, -1], then the output values are [0.730, 0.268, 0.002] which is 0.730(73%) + 0.268(26.8%) + 0.002(0.2%) = 1(100%).
  • 's formula is: Image description
  • is Softmax() in PyTorch.

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