The OSI Model Explained: Key Layers in Computer Networking

Aaditya Kediyal - Jun 14 - - Dev Community


The Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model, created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), is a vital framework for understanding and standardizing protocols in computer networks. This model offers a universal set of standards and guidelines to ensure that different systems can communicate, regardless of their underlying architectures. This blog delves into the OSI model's seven layers, explaining their functions and providing relevant code snippets to illustrate their roles.

What is the OSI Model?

The OSI model is composed of seven layers, each dedicated to a specific function within the networking process. These layers are:

  1. Physical Layer
  2. Data Link Layer
  3. Network Layer
  4. Transport Layer
  5. Session Layer
  6. Presentation Layer
  7. Application Layer

Each layer interacts only with the layers directly above and below it, fostering a modular approach to network design. Let's explore each layer in detail.

1. Physical Layer

Function: The physical layer deals with the transmission and reception of raw, unstructured data between a device and a physical transmission medium. This includes hardware elements like cables, switches, and Network Interface Cards (NICs).

Key Protocols and Standards: Ethernet, USB, Bluetooth, and various physical media standards such as fiber optics and twisted pair cables.

Code Example: The physical layer is more about hardware and electrical specifications than traditional programming, so there’s no typical code example here.

2. Data Link Layer

Function: This layer is responsible for node-to-node data transfer and handles error detection and correction from the physical layer.

Sub-layers: Logical Link Control (LLC) and Media Access Control (MAC).

Key Protocols: Ethernet (IEEE 802.3), PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol), and technologies involving switches.

Code Example: Here’s an example of handling an Ethernet frame in Python using the scapy library.

from scapy.all import Ether, ARP, srp

# Creating an Ethernet frame
ethernet_frame = Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / ARP(pdst="")
result = srp(ethernet_frame, timeout=2, verbose=0)[0]

# Display the result
for sent, received in result:
    print(f"{received.psrc} has MAC address {received.hwsrc}")
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3. Network Layer

Function: The network layer is responsible for packet forwarding and routing through different routers. It defines logical addressing and determines the best path for data transfer.

Key Protocols: IP (Internet Protocol), ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol), and routing protocols like OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).

Code Example: Here’s how you can work with IP addresses in Python using the ipaddress module.

import ipaddress

# Define an IP address
ip = ipaddress.ip_address('')
print(f"IP Address: {ip}")

# Define a network
network = ipaddress.ip_network('')
print(f"Network: {network}")

# List all IP addresses in the network
for ip in network:
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4. Transport Layer

Function: This layer ensures end-to-end communication services for applications, complete data transfer, and error recovery. Protocols like TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) operate at this layer.

Key Protocols: TCP, UDP, and SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol).

Code Example: Here’s a simple example of a TCP server in Python using the socket library.

import socket

# Create a TCP/IP socket
server_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

# Bind the socket to the address and port
server_address = ('localhost', 65432)

# Listen for incoming connections

print('Waiting for a connection...')
connection, client_address = server_socket.accept()

    print(f'Connection from {client_address}')
    while True:
        data = connection.recv(16)
        if data:
            print(f'Received: {data}')
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5. Session Layer

Function: The session layer manages and controls the dialogue (connections) between computers. It establishes, manages, and terminates connections between local and remote applications.

Key Protocols: NetBIOS, RPC (Remote Procedure Call), and PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol).

Code Example: Here’s how you can manage a session with HTTP in Python using the requests library.

import requests

# Start a session
session = requests.Session()

# Make a request
response = session.get('')

# Close the session
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6. Presentation Layer

Function: This layer translates data between the application layer and the network format, handling data encryption, compression, and translation (e.g., from ASCII to EBCDIC).

Key Protocols: SSL/TLS (for encryption), JPEG, and MPEG.

Code Example: Here’s an example of data encryption using Python’s cryptography library.

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

# Generate a key
key = Fernet.generate_key()
cipher_suite = Fernet(key)

# Encrypt a message
message = b"Hello, OSI model!"
cipher_text = cipher_suite.encrypt(message)
print(f"Cipher text: {cipher_text}")

# Decrypt the message
plain_text = cipher_suite.decrypt(cipher_text)
print(f"Plain text: {plain_text}")
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7. Application Layer

Function: The application layer provides network services directly to end-user applications, facilitating network transparency, resource sharing, and remote file access.

Key Protocols: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS.

Code Example: Here’s an example of making an HTTP request using Python’s requests library.

import requests

# Make a GET request
response = requests.get('')

# Print the response content
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The OSI model is essential for understanding the interaction and communication of different networking protocols and devices. Each layer has specific responsibilities that ensure a modular and interoperable approach to network communications. By understanding these layers, network professionals can design robust, scalable, and secure network infrastructures.

A solid grasp of the OSI model helps in troubleshooting network issues and provides a foundation for learning advanced networking concepts and protocols. Whether you are a network engineer, system administrator, or developer, understanding the OSI model enhances your ability to work with complex networks and ensure efficient and secure data communication.

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