UI UX Designer Interview Questions..!

Divya Tailang - Jun 14 - - Dev Community

Here are most asked questions while giving interview for UI UX Designer position :

Image description

Q.1 : Tell us about yourself ?
Ans: this answer includes a short intro of yourself and summary of your work experience and projects
Other forms this question might take:
Why are you interested in UX?
How did you get started in UX?
Tell me a little bit more about your background.

Q.2 : What is UX design?
Ans : UX design stands for User Experience design. It's all about making products (like websites, apps, or even physical items) easy and enjoyable for people to use. UX designers focus on understanding how users interact with a product and then design it in a way that meets their needs and preferences. It's like making sure a road trip is smooth and fun by planning the route, making sure the car is comfy, and putting the snacks where they're easy to reach!
Other forms this question might take:
Why should we hire a UX designer?
What’s the value of UX design?
How do you define UX?

Q.3 : Tell me about some of your favorite examples of good UX.
Ans : This answer contains about a user’s experience like what a user need to experience when they visit our website or application for example:
Google Search : Google's search engine is a classic example of excellent UX design. It's simple, fast, and incredibly effective. The search bar is prominently placed, and the results are easy to scan and understand.

Q.4 What is the difference between UI and UX ?
Ans: Think of UI (User Interface) as the look and feel of a house—how the rooms are laid out, where the furniture is placed, and what colors are used on the walls. It's all about the visual design and how things appear to the user.
UX (User Experience), on the other hand, is like the overall experience of living in that house. It's not just about how it looks, but also how easy it is to move around, whether everything is convenient to use, and if it meets your needs effectively. UX focuses on how users feel and interact with the product or service as a whole

“In short, UI is about the visuals, while UX is about the overall user experience. They work together to create products or services that are both visually appealing and easy and enjoyable to use.”

Other forms this question might take:
What’s the difference between a UX designer and a graphic designer?
How is UX design different from visual design?
What sets UX apart from other design disciplines?

Q.5 : Walk me through your work flow ?
Ans : Show your work to the interviewer.

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