Testing Next.js Applications with React Testing Library

Antoine - May 16 - - Dev Community

As part of our journey at itselftools.com, we have developed over 30 applications using Next.js and Firebase, learning valuable lessons about best practices in web development. One crucial aspect of building reliable applications is effective testing to ensure that our apps perform as expected before they reach the users. Today, I want to share how to write a simple test for a Next.js application using the React Testing Library.

Understanding the Code Snippet

Here’s the code snippet in question:

import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react';
import Home from '../pages/index';

test('should render homepage text correctly', () => {
  render(<Home />);
  const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Welcome to Next.js!/i);
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This test is a fundamental example of how to check if a specific piece of text, "Welcome to Next.js!", is correctly rendered on the homepage of a Next.js application. Let's break down what each line of code does:

  1. Importing the Necessary Modules: import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'; brings in the required functions from React Testing Library that enable us to render components and access the rendered elements.

  2. Importing the Component to Test: import Home from '../pages/index'; imports the Home component from the pages directory, which is typically the main page component in a Next.js application.

  3. Writing the Test: test('should render homepage text correctly', () => { ... }); defines a test case using Jest, a JavaScript testing framework. The test confirms that when the Home component is rendered, it includes the text "Welcome to Next.js!".

  4. Rendering the Component: render(<Home />); uses React Testing Library's render function to create an instance of the Home component.

  5. Querying the Component: const linkElement = screen.getByText(/Welcome to Next.js!/i); searches the rendered output for an element that matches the specified text, using a regular expression for case-insensitive matching.

  6. Asserting the Presence of the Element: expect(linkElement).toBeInTheDocument(); checks that the found element is actually present in the document.

Why Testing Matters

Testing is crucial in the development process because it helps detect bugs and issues early, ensuring that your application is stable and behaves as expected. It also facilitates smoother updates and maintenance of the codebase over time.


Testing your Next.js applications plays a pivotal role in ensuring your software solutions are robust and user-friendly. If you're interested in seeing this code in action, consider visiting our innovative apps like capture high-quality videos, unpack your files easily, and test your microphone instantly.

By incorporating these testing practices in your development workflow, you can significantly improve the quality and reliability of your web applications.

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