Burnout as a Software Engineer

Jenesh Napit - Feb 25 - - Dev Community

👋 Hi, this is Jenesh with this week’s post! Quick intro: I went from an Intern to an Engineering Manager in 3 years and want to help others level up in their career.

This week, we’ll dive into the infamous word in tech, “Burnout.” If you find this helpful, subscribe to my newsletter More Talking, Less Coding for weekly 💎

💭 What is Burnout? 💭

“Burnout is a state of complete mental, physical, and emotional exhaustion.” - Darling Downs Health

I've been pushing myself for the past four years and have gotten a few promotions.

But in the last few months, it finally caught up to me. I felt burned out for the first time in my career.

Burnout Cycle created by Author

What does it feel like?

Imagine lacking motivation and interest in whatever you're doing, even in what you used to find fun. 😮‍💨

How do you know if you're burning out?

Here are some signs straight from WebMD that can signal burnout:

  • You're Exhausted
  • You're Turning Cynical
  • You're Feeling Useless
  • You're Depressed
  • You Hate Your Job
  • Your Mind Wanders
  • Sleep Is Tough to Get

Not all of the things from the list will be checked, but if most of them are, you probably are in or close to burnout.

What can you do to prevent burnout?

Start prioritizing self-care. Focus on things like:

  • Diet & Exercise
  • Good sleep habits
  • Cut/limit job stressors
  • Speak with your manager
  • Socializing with friends more
  • Taking time off (use them PTOs!)
  • Self-reflection (meditating, journaling)

💡 My Favorite Tool of the week 💡

Scribe - Create Step-by-Step Guides — Fast

Scribe Landing Page

This new tool has been my go-to for creating any step-by-step guide for work and personal use. It's so simple to use and saves everyone a lot of time. I'm a Scribe user for life.

🚨 Ask Me Anything! 🚨

I welcome you all to ask me anything by adding your thoughts and questions in the comments. I'll make sure to answer them in next week's newsletter!

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