5 ways to use AI and overcome COVID-19

Veera - Nov 25 '20 - - Dev Community

COVID-19 is on the spree of spreading like a forest fire and ruining the economy of the countries worldwide. The pandemic situation of COVID-19 has suspended business activities of several industries, but AI is one of the few sectors that has stood tall and is exploring ways to help the world overcome COVID-19. Artificial intelligence is the future, and it is contributing mainly to the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

AI has been deployed in many ways to help overcome the coronavirus pandemic situation. Here is a list of 5 ways to use AI and overcome COVID-19.


According to Invesp, Chatbots are the most widely used AI platform in today’s world. Starting from food ordering to customer service, chatbots play a vital role in all the sectors. During COVID-19, chatbots have started providing awareness in the social media platform to answering queries, chatbots have become an essential part of day-to-day life.

AI in Chatbots

The rising number of questions related to COVID-19 among the people has made several leading health organizations adopt chatbot to answer every query with ease. There are many app development companies that are now developing chatbots at an affordable cost to help Healthcare organizations fulfill their frontline duty. These chatbots act as a 24/7 help desk to provide rapid response to the people in need.

Surveillance AI:

Machine learning is already widespread among all industries. Especially in the banking sector, ML is used to explore and find the entity that involves fraudulent activities. The same strategy is being followed in the Healthcare sector to track and find people affected with the help of location data. ML is deployed in the places where data is available. In situations of COVID-19, there is a lot of data available with Healthcare institutions that facilitate deploying ML to get accurate results. Thus, the outcome is trusted and used widely by professionals to identify the cases and start treatment.

AI in Surveillance

Canada-based company BlueDot has created software that leverages machine learning to track and report the spread of the virus. The company was successful as the tracking and reporting were accomplished much faster than the World Health Organization.

AI in Diagnostics:

A company in China leveraged AI to diagnose pneumonia, the most common complication of COVID-19. The AI analyzes the CT scan in less than sixty seconds to find if a person is affected by pneumonia, which gives a warning for COVID-19. The accuracy was as high as 92%; thus, the government started using it effectively for diagnosing the possibilities of COVID-19.

AI in Diagnostics

In this case, AI facilitated immediate diagnostics meaning the response measures like quarantine decisions can be taken quickly to avoid the spread of the infection. Corresponding to this diagnostics, many AI companies are following this example to develop AI products that serve the impact purpose.

Facial Recognition:

Facial recognition is one of the oldest methods of Artificial Intelligence. During coronavirus pandemic, facial recognition, along with fever detectors, paved the way for many officials to curb the spread of infection to a greater extend. Before this AI implementation, thermal cameras were used with a much needed human operator to assist and detect people with fever.

AI in Face Recognition

The recent introduction of AI-based multisensory technology helped many health officials and institutions to deploy it in hot spots like hospitals, stations, and airports resulting in drastic control of the community spread.

AI in stopping fake news:

It is unpleasant to see fake news spreading like a forest fire during these difficult times. Circulating fake news and creating unnecessary panic during an uncertain situation like this has become trending nowadays. AI now has the perfect solution to terminate the spread of fake news during this COVID-19 pandemic situation. Technology giants like Facebook and Google are trying to deploy AI and curb the fake news swiftly.

The world countries are in this together to fight and overcome COVID-19. While the front line health care workers are fighting it out to protect every infected person, it is now in the hands of AI professionals and programmers to find the best possible solution and partake in this war against the novel coronavirus.

The problems in the modern world have to be dealt with with modern solutions. Therefore AI is the perfect modern solution to overcome COVID-19.

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