Why your Tech Stack shouldn't change.

Josh Lawson - Jul 27 - - Dev Community

Technology is constantly changing. It honestly feels like there is a new JavaScript framework popping up EVERY SINGLE MONTH. But JavaScript frameworks aside, a key part of shipping SaaS faster is writing code faster.

When I first learned to code, I was overwhelmed by the amount of languages I could choose from. Like thousands of others, I went down the rabbit hole of YouTube, trying to find the best programming language to learn. Fast forward a few years or so, and I've refined my Web Development tech stack into something so efficient that I can ship in under a week.

This is the tech stack I'm using to develop Cli.ck


I use DaisyUI as my component library.

My entire tech stack is javaScript oriented.

I use Next.js, Tailwind, and DaisyUI.

DaisyUI is an awesome tailwind component library I use to speed up development. It's got every single component under the sun, and comes with its own beautiful styling and 20+ colour themes.

I've heard shadcn/ui is great, but haven't tried it yet.


Vercel's PostgreSQL databases are a great integration option.
All my back-end computation is handled by Serverless Functions. Next.js handles these really well, and it makes life 100x easier than writing API routes for everything.

For storage I use Vercel's integrated PostgreSQL database. You get a free one with their hobby plan so I would highly suggest checking it out.

I also use Prisma as my database ORM because I hate writing raw SQL.

Hosting + Extras

Vercel is a great free place to host your website.
All my websites are hosted with Vercel. The same people who made Next.js also made Vercel, so it integrates nicely with my current stack. This is the main reason I use Vercel's PostgreSQL databases.

I use Auth.js for user authentication and user management, and Lemon Squeezy for payments.

All my emails are handled through Resend.

Tech stacks don't matter. What matters is how you use it. NASA sent men to the moon with a calculator (ok, not quite, but a computer with the same computational power), so it doesn't matter what languages/tools are in your tech stack.

- Josh

P.S: I'm currently developing my own SaaS, Cli.ck, aimed at making click tracks easier for small bands to use. If you're interested in that, or just want to follow my journey, sign up for the waitlist here. I'll be updating you about the behind-the-scenes of the development process.

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