Cheat Sheet for React Bootstrap. Layout and Forms

Julia Shlykova - Jul 3 - - Dev Community

Table of contents

  1. Breakpoints
  2. Grid system
  3. Container
  4. Row
  5. Col
  6. Stacks
  7. Forms
    1. Form props
    2. Form.Label props
    3. fieldset props
    4. Form.Control props
    5. Form.Text props
    6. Form.Select
    7. Form.Check
    8. Floating labels
    9. Form Layout
    10. Validation


  • xs(X-Small) <576px
  • sm(Small) ≥576px
  • md(Medium) ≥768px
  • lg(Large) ≥992px
  • xl(Extra large) ≥1200px
  • xxl(Extra extra large) ≥1400px

Grid system


  • element with Bootstrap's container class:
<Container style={{border: '1px solid black'}}>
    <Col>1 of 1</Col>
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Container props

  • fluid={true/'sm'/'md'/'lg'/'xl'/'xxl'} - Container fills all available horizontal space until the specified breakpoint;


Row props

  • xs={number/'auto'} - number indicates how many columns can fit in one row on extra small devices;
  • {breakpoint}={number/'auto'};


Row is a flexbox with 12 template columns, so we can set how many template columns each Col occupies.

Col props

  • {breakpoint}={number/'auto'} - number indicates how many template columns Col can occupy in one row;
  • {breakpoint}={span: number, offset: number, order: {"first"/"last"/number}} - span indicates number of template columns to occupy, offset indicates how many template columns to omit before starting Col.


Full-width flexbox with column direction by default:

<Stack direction="horizontal" gap={3}>
  <div className="p-2">First item</div>
  <div className="p-2 ms-auto">Second item</div>
  <div className="p-2">Third item</div>
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Stack props

  • gap={1-5} - space between items;
  • direction="horizontal" - makes horizontal stacked flexbox;


<Form.Group className="mb-3" controlId="formBasicEmail">
  <Form.Label>Email address</Form.Label>
    placeholder="Enter email" 
  <Form.Text muted>
    We'll never share your email with anyone else.
  <Form.Label htmlFor="inputPassword">Password</Form.Label>
  <Form.Text id="passwordHelpBlock" muted>
    Your password must be 8-20 characters long, contain letters and numbers,
    and must not contain spaces, special characters, or emoji.
<Button variant="primary" type="submit">
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  • Form.Group - wrapper around label and input.
  • Form.Control - renders <input> or <textarea>.
  • Form.Text - form text below inputs, it can be help text, some restrictions for inputs.

help text should be associated with the control using aria-describedby

Form props

  • validated - mark form as having been validated.

Form.Label props

  • htmlFor={controlId} - if label is not in Form.Group we should specify.
  • visuallyHidden - hides the label visually while still allowing it to be accessible.

fieldset props

  • disabled - disabling all controls which were wrapped inside.

Form.Control props

  • as={'input'|'textarea'|element} - by default it's input;
  • size={'sm'|'lg'} - input size variants;
  • htmlSize={number} - number of characters that are visible. It's size attribute of the HTML input;
  • plaintext - renders input as plain text. Usually used along side readonly;
  • readonly;
  • disabled;
  • value;
  • onChange;
  • type={string};
  • isValid;
  • isInValid.

Form.Text props

  • muted - add text-muted class.


<Form.Select aria-label="Default select example">
  <option>Open this select menu</option>
  <option value="1">One</option>
  <option value="2">Two</option>
  <option value="3">Three</option>
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Form.Select props

  • size={'sm'|'lg'};
  • htmlSize={number};
  • disabled;
  • value;
  • onChange;
  • isValid;
  • isInValid.


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We can implement toggle switch:

  label="Check this switch"
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Form.Check with children

<Form.Check type='radio' id='radio'>
  <Form.Check.Input type='radio' isValid />  <Form.Check.Label>radio</Form.Check.Label>
  <Form.Control.Feedback type="valid">
    You did it!
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Form.Check props

  • inline - groups controls horizontally;
  • reverse - put checkboxes etc. on the opposite side;
  • disabled;
  • title={str};
  • type={'radio'|'checkbox'|'switch'};
  • isValid;
  • isInValid;
  • feedback - a message to display when the input is in a validation state;
  • feedbackType={'valid'|'invalid'}.

Form.Check.Input props

  • type={'radio'|'checkbox'};
  • isValid;
  • isInValid;

Floating labels

Labels floating over input fields.

<FloatingLabel controlId="formBasicPassword" label="Password">
  <Form.Control type="password" placeholder="Password" />
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placeholder in <Form.Control> is required since react-bootstrap uses :placeholder-shown pseudo-element.

FloattingLabel props

  • controlId={string} - sets id and htmlFor;
  • label={string|node} - form control label.

Form Layout

Label and Control placed horizontally

<Form.Label column="lg" lg={2}>
  Large Text
  <Form.Control size="lg" type="text" placeholder="Large text" />
<br />
<Form.Label column lg={2}>
  Normal Text
  <Form.Control type="text" placeholder="Normal text" />
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To "turn on" react-bootstrap validation style it's better to "turn off" built-in browser validator by adding noValidate in Form:

const [validated, setValidated] = useState(false);

const handleSubmit = (e) => {
  const form = e.currentTarget;
  if (form.checkValidity() === true) {
    // submit logic
  } else {

  // ...
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