You life is not complicated you are unorganized

Juan Emilio - Jul 11 - - Dev Community

Hey 👋 I'm Juan, and today I want to share something that happened to me this week. Recently, I started working in a new place, I moved, I’m working on multiple personal projects at the same time, I started writing, I’m still reading almost every day, and I’m trying to have a personal and social life. Complicated, as you may understand. I started to feel really stressed; I was losing my mind. So I did one of the things that calms me the most: go for a walk. The solution to my problem, and maybe yours too, is right below.

Why 🤔?

Maybe you are asking yourself why I wrote this post. For two reasons: 1st, I might forget how I organized my calendar and my routine, the mindset I need to stay calm, and why I'm doing it. 2nd, because I’m quite sure there are people out there just like me who are coming to hasty conclusions when they are just unorganized.

How 😎?

The system that I’m going to share is born from the combination of my own experience trying to schedule my life and the knowledge of Noah Kagan in Million Dollar Weekend. So let's divide it into easy, understandable steps:

What Do You Need to Do 🗺️?

If you are like me or my girlfriend, you get lost among all the things you want or have to do. That's why we need to define long-term goals that help us stay focused. We want to make a list of the things that need to be done in the future. In our case, we look 6 months ahead, but you can go even further if you want. If you don’t want to think about it, just stay with 6 months.

Great, here’s my list:

  1. Write 100 posts on Medium and Dev
  2. Finish 6 more books
  3. Finish 3 applications
  4. Travel around Argentina

These are some of the things that I need to finish in 6 months. I hope you did yours.

Steps 👣

On my list, I have four goals; you can have as many as you need or want. Now we need to divide them into things that we can repeat in order to reach our goals. In my case, it would be:

  1. Work on my own applications
  2. Write
  3. Read

These three easy activities may seem silly at the time, but they'll make more sense once we put everything together.

Schedule 📅

We have our goals, we have our steps, and we are almost there. Now we need to schedule, but before doing that, you need to make another list, yep, another one. We need to write down our goals for the end of the week. These are more specific things that should be done in the time of the steps we defined before.

In my case, for this week, I need to have done these things:

  • [ ] Finish the Customers screen; it should be responsive.
  • [ ] Connect the Customers UI with the DB.
  • [ ] Finish the authentication.
  • [ ] Make a list of future posts.
  • [ ] Check for new books.

And so on... The point is, these are some of the tasks that I should finish before Saturday, and they should be done in the steps/time categories we defined before.

Connect Customers UI with the DB -> Work on my own applications
Make a list of future posts -> Write
Check for new books -> Read

Easy, right? Now let’s give them space in our calendar, but before that, I want you to take into consideration that you should dedicate more time in your day to the activity that will get you closer to your most important goal for the next 6 months. In my case, my most important goal is finishing my applications, so I’ll spend more time working on my apps than anything else.

Finally, your calendar should look something like this:

One day of my calendar

My day is not always like that, and it depends on the way I want to handle my workload.

Special Events 🎂

There are times when you have to do something just once. Those things are your priority number one. Put them at the top of your list, create a task on Google Calendar, and get them out of your roadmap as soon as possible. Don’t do like me because I’ve come to notice that these are things that can explode in your face if you don't handle them on time and keep postponing them. Do you need to go to the doctor? Schedule the task, get the appointment, and go. Don’t waste peace of mind telling yourself, “I’ll do it once I finish this.” You and I both know that time will never come.

Perfect It 🔁

Every Saturday, reserve 15 or 30 minutes to check your performance over the week. Check if you could accomplish what you set out to do. If you did and felt okay with the workload, keep going. If you couldn't finish most of the things you listed, don’t worry, you need to reschedule. Pay attention to the details and ask yourself what went wrong. Maybe you just need to move your time categories/steps in the calendar to find a better place, or maybe you need to lower your expectations. Maybe you are overestimating the amount of work you can handle.

It’s worth mentioning that you shouldn’t fill your schedule completely. You want to leave empty space for yourself, your loved ones, or the unforeseen events that will inevitably happen.

Mindset 🧠

As I told you at the beginning of this post, I found myself really stressed. When I finished my schedule, I felt really calm because I realized that there wasn't as much to do as I thought. Besides that, I also realized that I had become used to overthinking what I have to do, constantly asking myself if I’m doing the right thing. We can’t control everything; it’s better to get a plan, find things that you can control, and stick to them.

I would love to create a really successful application, but I can’t really control success. Instead, I can control how many applications I create. So that’s what I do: I focus my mind and my effort on developing as many applications as I can, trying to learn as much as I can from each one of them.

Time for Being a 👦 and Time for Being a 🤖

There is a time to think, to feel, to analyze, and to dream, but extend that too much, and you'll find yourself trapped in a storm in your own mind. Always looking for a solution, preventing, visualizing, analyzing, optimizing. Being a victim of your own thoughts for nothing to happen in the end. No more. I propose something different: get a dream, get a plan, get a limit or a line. Stick to your plan and do, do, and keep doing. Once you get to the line, you can start analyzing again to get a new plan, a new limit, and start all over again. I’ve found that to be the best solution for my constant and paralyzing anxiety.

The End 🏁

You’ve found the line, which means we’ve reached the end. Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed it, consider following me, liking, and if you really enjoyed or found it useful, please help me to buy a new book, with just $20 would be enough for me to get The Art and Business of Online Writing

[---------------------------------------------------------] 0% of $20, let's buy me a book

Also, let me know if you want me to keep my posts short like this one or if you prefer them longer like before.


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