You can't generate a BTC wallet, they all already exists

Jonatã Oliveira - Jul 31 - - Dev Community

Have you ever wondered how Bitcoin wallets work? It might sound mysterious, but it's actually quite fascinating and surprisingly simple once you get the hang of it. Let's dive into the magic behind Bitcoin wallets and discover why they’re so secure.

The Big Secret: A Really, Really Big Number

At the heart of every Bitcoin wallet is a private key. Think of this private key as a secret password that gives you access to your Bitcoin. But here's the kicker: this "password" is actually just a really, really big number!

Imagine picking a random number between 1 and... a ridiculously huge number (we're talking 10^77). This number is your private key. It’s so large that it's almost impossible to guess, making it super secure.

Here an example of private key (decimal) and the code to generate:


import { ECPairFactory } from 'ecpair'
import * as ecc from 'tiny-secp256k1'

const ECPair = ECPairFactory(ecc)

const keypair = ECPair.makeRandom()

const hex = keypair.privateKey.toString('hex')

const dec = BigInt(parseInt(hex, '16'))
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From Numbers to Addresses: The Role of Elliptic Curves

So, how does this enormous number (your private key) turn into something useful like a Bitcoin address? That's where elliptic curves come in. Bitcoin uses a special kind of math called elliptic curve cryptography.

An elliptic curve is a type of mathematical function that creates a specific shape when plotted on a graph. When you apply your big private key number to this function, it produces a unique point on the curve. This point is called your public key. From the public key your bitcoin address is generated and you can receive values.

In simpler terms, you use your private key (big number) to generate a public key using these math operations with elliptic curves. It’s like using a secret recipe to create a unique dish that only you can make.

Wallets: Ready-Made and Just Waiting for You

Here's a mind-blowing thought: all possible Bitcoin wallets already exist. Yes, you read that right! Every possible combination of private and public keys is already out there, just waiting for someone to pick one. When you create a new wallet, you're simply choosing one of these pre-existing combinations, randomly.

In fact, there is even a website that lists all possible Bitcoin private keys, including yours:

But don’t worry, with so many possible combinations (remember that ridiculously huge number?), the chances of two people picking the same private key are astronomically low. It's like picking a specific atom in the entire universe!

A small and obvious note: DO NOT SEARCH FOR YOUR PRIVATE KEY ON THIS SITE. You will lose your funds if you do.

Why Bitcoin is Super Secure

So, why is Bitcoin so secure? It all comes down to the size of that private key number. With such an enormous range of possible numbers, guessing the right private key is practically impossible. It would take a computer longer than the age of the universe to randomly guess your private key.


Bitcoin wallets might sound complicated, but at their core, they're based on some simple and clever math. Your private key is just a huge number, and it’s used to generate a unique public key through elliptic curve operations.

And remember, all Bitcoin wallets already exist; you're just choosing one out of an unfathomably large number of possibilities. This incredible number is what makes Bitcoin so secure and reliable.

So next time you open your Bitcoin wallet, you can smile knowing the incredible math and cryptography that keeps your funds safe. 🚀🔒

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