download Windows Store apps with PowerShell over

Kai Walter - Dec 7 '20 - - Dev Community

Especially in enterprise environments installing apps from Windows Store is turned off. One workaround is web site - courtesy of @rgadguard & mkuba50 - which can be used to download files related to a particular store app.

How to find a product URL

  • go into store (probably on a machine where store is not locked)
  • search for app
  • click Share
  • Copy Link
  • paste into input field right of URL Link

Alt Text


I created this script where I can use the product URL obtained above and download a set of related files for a local install:

$apiUrl = ""

$productUrl = "" # To Do
#$productUrl = "" # Whiteboard
#$productUrl = "" # Wireless Display Adapter

$downloadFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP "StoreDownloads"
if(!(Test-Path $downloadFolder -PathType Container)) {
    New-Item $downloadFolder -ItemType Directory -Force

$body = @{
    type = 'url'
    url  = $productUrl
    ring = 'RP'
    lang = 'en-US'

$raw = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $apiUrl -ContentType 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' -Body $body

$raw | Select-String '<tr style.*<a href=\"(?<url>.*)"\s.*>(?<text>.*)<\/a>' -AllMatches|
 % { $_.Matches } |
 % { 
    $url = $_.Groups[1].Value
    $text = $_.Groups[2].Value
    Write-Host $text

    if($text -match "_(x86|x64|neutral).*appx(|bundle)$") {
        $downloadFile = Join-Path $downloadFolder $text
        if(!(Test-Path $downloadFile)) {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -OutFile $downloadFile

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