Creating , Modifying , and Destroying an EC2 Instance in AWS with Terraform

Kousalya S - Jun 27 - - Dev Community

Hi Friends! As part of my internship,We will learn how we can Creating, Modifying, and Destroying an EC2 Instance with Terraform


Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) tool developed by HashiCorp. It allows you to define, create, and manage infrastructure resources in a declarative way, using a high-level configuration language. With Terraform, you can easily provision, update, and delete infrastructure resources, such as virtual machines, databases, load balancers, and more, across multiple cloud providers or on-premises data centers.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. An AWS account.
  2. AWS CLI configured with your AWS credentials.
  3. Terraform installed on your machine.

Step 1: Setting Up Your Terraform Configuration

First, create a new directory for your Terraform project and navigate into it.Next, create a new file named and open it in your favorite text editor. This file will contain the configuration for
your EC2 instance.

Step 2: Configuring AWS Provider

In, start by defining the AWS provider. This tells Terraform to use AWS as the provider for your infrastructure.

Step 3: Creating an EC2 Instance

To create an EC2 instance on AWS in the simplest way using Terraform,create a file called and define a provider block for AWS in your .tf file. Add a resource block for the aws_instance
specifying the AMI and instance type. Run terraform init, terraform plan, and terraform apply to provision the instance.

Step 4: Initializing Terraform

To initialize Terraform, create a directory for your configuration files. Inside it, create a main configuration file (e.g., Run terraform init in your terminal within this directory. This command downloads necessary plugins and prepares your working directory for other Terraform commands.

Step 5: Applying the Configuration

To apply the Terraform configuration, navigate to your project directory in the terminal. Run terraform init to initialize the project, then use terraform plan to review the changes.Review the plan and type ‘yes’ to apply the changes. Finally, execute terraform apply to apply the
configuration and provision the resources. Confirm whenprompted.Terraform will then create the EC2 instance.

Step 6: Modifying the EC2 Instance

If you want to modify the instance (e.g., change the instance type), simply update the file. For example, to change the instance type to t2.small, update the instance_type . Save the file and
run the following command ‘terraform apply’to apply the changes . Terraform will update the instance to the new configuration.

Step 7: Destroying the EC2 Instance

When you no longer need the EC2 instance, you can destroy it using Terraform. Run the following command ‘terraform destroy’. Terraform will show you a plan of the resources it will destroy. Review the plan and type yes to proceed. Terraform will then terminate the EC2 instance.


In this blog post, we covered the basics of creating, modifying, and destroying an EC2 instance using Terraform. By using Terraform, you can manage your cloud infrastructure in a consistent and repeatable way, making it easier to scale and maintain your environment. Happy Terraforming

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