Decoding Demystified : How LLMs Generate Text - III

Mahak Faheem - Jun 26 - - Dev Community

Welcome back to our series on Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). In the previous blogs, we explored the foundational concepts and architectures behind LLMs, as well as the critical roles of prompting and training. Now, we will delve into the process of generating text with LLMs, commonly referred to as decoding. Understanding decoding is essential for harnessing the full potential of these models in generating coherent and contextually relevant text.

TL;DR for Decoding in LLMs
One word at a time.

What is Decoding

Decoding is the process by which LLMs transform encoded representations of input data into human-readable text. It involves selecting words from the model's vocabulary to construct sentences that are both contextually appropriate and syntactically correct. Decoding is a crucial component of tasks such as text generation, machine translation, and summarization.
Decoding happens iteratively, i.e., one word at a time.
At each step of decoding, the distribution over the vocabulary is used to select one word and emit it. This selected word is then appended to the input and the decoding process continues...

Understanding Decoding Strategies

Different decoding strategies can be employed to generate text with LLMs, each with its unique advantages and trade-offs. Here are some of the most commonly used techniques:

1. Greedy Decoding
Greedy decoding is the simplest strategy, where the model selects the word with the highest probability at each step.

Advantages: Fast and straightforward to implement.
Disadvantages: Can produce repetitive and suboptimal results, as it doesn't consider future possibilities.

2. Beam Search
Beam search expands on greedy decoding by exploring multiple possible sequences at each step, keeping only the most promising ones and continuously pruning the sequences of low probability.

Advantages: Generates more coherent and higher-quality text compared to greedy decoding.
Disadvantages: Computationally more expensive and can still miss the optimal sequence due to limited beam width.

3. Sampling-Based Methods
Sampling methods introduce randomness into the decoding process, selecting words based on their probabilities rather than always choosing the highest-probability word.

Advantages: Can produce more diverse and creative text.
Disadvantages: Risk of generating incoherent or less relevant text.

Variants of Sampling

Top-k Sampling: Limits the sampling pool to the top k most probable words.
Top-p (Nucleus) Sampling: Limits the sampling pool to the smallest set of words whose cumulative probability exceeds a threshold p.

4. Temperature Scaling
Temperature scaling adjusts the probability distribution of the model's output, making it either more deterministic (lower temperature) or more random (higher temperature). But, the relative ordering of the words is unaffected by changing temperature.

Advantages: Provides control over the diversity and creativity of the generated text.
Disadvantages: Requires careful tuning to balance coherence and variability.

Practical Applications of Decoding

Decoding techniques are applied across various NLP tasks, enhancing the capabilities of LLMs in generating high-quality text. Here are a few practical applications:

1. Text Generation
LLMs can generate creative and informative content for applications such as story writing, content creation, and chatbot responses. The choice of decoding strategy significantly impacts the quality and creativity of the generated text. Using a low temperature setting is ideal for generating factual text, while a high temperature setting is better suited for producing more creative and diverse outputs.

2. Machine Translation
In machine translation, decoding is used to convert text from one language to another. Beam search is commonly employed to ensure the translated text is coherent and accurate.

3. Summarization
For summarization tasks, decoding helps in generating concise and relevant summaries of longer texts. Techniques like beam search and sampling can be combined to balance accuracy and readability.

Challenges in Decoding

While decoding is a powerful tool, it comes with its own set of challenges:

Balancing Coherence and Diversity: Ensuring the generated text is both coherent and diverse can be difficult, especially in creative applications.
Computational Complexity: Advanced decoding strategies like beam search can be computationally expensive, requiring significant resources.
Mitigating Repetitiveness: Avoiding repetitive phrases and sentences is crucial for maintaining the quality of the generated text.

Hallucination in LLMs

One of the significant challenges in using LLMs is hallucination, where the model generates text that is plausible but incorrect or nonsensical. This occurs because LLMs predict the next word based on learned patterns rather than factual accuracy.

Causes: Hallucinations can arise from the model's training data, which might contain biases or inaccuracies. The probabilistic nature of decoding strategies like sampling can also contribute to this issue.
Mitigation: To reduce hallucinations, careful prompt engineering and the use of strategies like temperature scaling can be helpful. Additionally, incorporating external knowledge sources or post-processing steps to verify the generated content can improve factual accuracy.

Groundedness and Accountability

Ensuring that LLM-generated text is grounded in factual information and maintaining accountability is crucial for many applications, especially those involving critical decision-making.

Groundedness: This refers to the model's ability to generate text based on verified and reliable information. Techniques to enhance groundedness include using external databases, incorporating factual knowledge during training, and employing retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods. (Will be covering RAG in detail in the coming blogs).
Accountability: This involves tracing the source of the information and ensuring that the model's outputs can be audited. Transparent reporting of the model's training data, architecture, and any modifications made during fine-tuning helps in maintaining accountability.


Decoding is a fundamental process in generating text with LLMs, playing a critical role in various NLP applications. By understanding and leveraging different decoding strategies—such as greedy decoding, beam search, and sampling-based methods—we can optimize the performance and utility of language models. Addressing challenges like hallucination and ensuring groundedness and accountability further enhances the reliability of LLMs.

As we continue our journey through the world of Generative AI and LLMs, we'll further explore advanced techniques and applications, enhancing our understanding to develop, deploy, and contribute to cutting-edge AI technologies.

Stay tuned for the next installment in this series, where we'll dive into RAG methods, and explore security aspects in LLMs.

Thanks for reading and I look forward to continuing this exciting journey with you!

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