Implement NodeJS Logging like a Pro!

Mohammad Faisal - Aug 5 '22 - - Dev Community

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Logging is an essential part of any production-grade application. It's one of the most important parts.

Today we will learn how we can use logging effectively in NodeJS.


There are many good logging libraries for NodeJS. And certainly the most popular of them is winston. This is a general-purpose logging library that is capable of handling all of your logging needs.

Also, there is a specialized library for HTTP requests. That is called morgan.

We will use these two libraries today in our application.

Starting point

Today we will integrate Logging on top of an existing NodeJS application built with Typescript. You can read more about how we built it in the following article.

But you are free to use any application you like.

Get the boilerplate

Let's first clone the boilerplate repository where we have a working NodeJS application with Typescript, EsLint, and Prettier already set up.

git clone
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Install the dependencies

Then go inside the project and install the dependencies.

yarn add winston
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Then create a logger instance.

import { createLogger, format } from "winston";

const logger = createLogger({
  format: format.combine(format.timestamp(), format.json()),
  transports: [new transports.Console(), new transports.File({ level: "error", filename: "errors.log" })],
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In this configuration, the createLogger function is exported from the Winston library. We have passed two options here.

format -> Which denotes which format we want. We have specified that we want our logs to be in JSON format and include the timestamp.
transports -> Which denotes where our logs will go. We defined that we want our error logs to go to a file named errors.log file.

Now let's create this inside our index.ts file.

import logger from "./logger";

logger.error("Something went wrong");
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If we run this code, we will see a new file named errors.log created, and there will be one entry.

{ "level": "error", "message": "Something went wrong", "timestamp": "2022-04-16T12:16:13.903Z" }
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This is the most basic format for logging in to our application.

Take development logs into the console.

When we are developing our application, we don't want to check our error log files every time any error occurs. We want those directly into the console.

We already discussed transports they are channels where we give the logging outputs. Let's create a new transport for the console and add that in development mode.

import { format, transports } from "winston";

if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
    new transports.Console({
      format: format.combine(format.colorize(), format.simple()),
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This configuration will send all of the logs into the console.

If you look closely, you will see that we are adding some formatting to our logs here.

 format: format.combine(format.colorize(), format.simple()),
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We are colorizing the development logging and also keeping it simple. You can take a look at possible options here

Service specific log

Sometimes we want better separation between logs and want to group logs. We can do that by specifying a service field in the options. Let's say we have a billing service and authentication service. We can create a separate logger for each instance.

const logger = createLogger({
  defaultMeta: {
    service: "billing-service",
  //... other configs
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This time all our logs will have a format something like this.

  "level": "error",
  "message": "Something went wrong",
  "service": "billing-service",
  "timestamp": "2022-04-16T15:22:16.944Z"
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This helps to analyze logs letter.

We can do even better.

Sometimes we need individual log level control. For example, if we want to track the flow of a user, we may need to add that info for each level of that information. That is not possible with service-level customization.

For this purpose, we can use child-logger

This concept allows us to inject context information about individual log entries.

import logger from "./utils/logger";

const childLogger = logger.child({ requestId: "451" });
childLogger.error("Something went wrong");
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This time we will get individual error logs for each request id that we can filter later.

  "level": "error",
  "message": "Something went wrong",
  "requestId": "451",
  "service": "billing-service",
  "timestamp": "2022-04-16T15:25:50.446Z"
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We can also log exceptions and unhandled promise rejections in the event of a failure.
winston provides us with a nice tool for that.

const logger = createLogger({
  transports: [new transports.File({ filename: "file.log" })],
  exceptionHandlers: [new transports.File({ filename: "exceptions.log" })],
  rejectionHandlers: [new transports.File({ filename: "rejections.log" })],
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Measuring performance.

We can profile our requests by using this logger.

app.get("/ping/", (req: Request, res: Response) => {
  // do something
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This will give an output of additional output about the performance.

{ "durationMs": 5, "level": "info", "message": "meaningful-name", "timestamp": "2022-03-12T17:40:59.093Z" }
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You can see more examples with winston here

Using Morgan

This far, you should understand why Winston is one of the best, if not the best, logging libraries. But it's used for general purpose logging.

Another library can help us with more sophisticated logging, especially for HTTP requests.
That library is called morgan

First, create a middleware that will intercept all the requests. I am adding it inside the middlewares/morgan.ts file.

import morgan, { StreamOptions } from "morgan";

import Logger from "../utils/logger";

// Override the stream method by telling
// Morgan to use our custom logger instead of the console.log.
const stream: StreamOptions = {
  write: (message) => Logger.http(message),

const skip = () => {
  const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
  return env !== "development";

const morganMiddleware = morgan(":method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms :remote-addr", {

export default morganMiddleware;
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Notice how we modified our stream method to use the Winston logger.
There are some predefined log formats for morgan like tiny and combined You can use those like the following.

const morganMiddleware = morgan("combined", {
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This will give output in a separate format.

Now use this middleware inside out the index.ts file.

import morganMiddleware from "./middlewares/morgan";

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Now all out requests will be logged inside the Winston with HTTP level.

{ "level": "http", "message": "GET /ping 304 - - 11.140 ms ::1\n", "timestamp": "2022-03-12T19:57:43.166Z" }
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This way, you can maintain all your HTTP requests reference as well.

Separating logs according to type

Obviously, all logs are not the same. You might need error logs and info logs to stay separated. We previously discussed transport and how that helps us to stream logs to different destinations.

We can take that concept and filter logs and send them to different destinations.

Let's create some filters for our logs!

const errorFilter = format((info, opts) => {
  return info.level === "error" ? info : false;

const infoFilter = format((info, opts) => {
  return info.level === "info" ? info : false;

const httpFilter = format((info, opts) => {
  return info.level === "http" ? info : false;
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Then modify our transports array to take advantage of that.

const logger = createLogger({
  format: combine(
    format.printf((info) => `${info.timestamp} ${info.level}: ${info.message}`)
  transports: [
    new transports.Console(),
    new transports.File({
      level: "http",
      filename: "logs/http.log",
      format: format.combine(httpFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
    new transports.File({
      level: "info",
      filename: "logs/info.log",
      format: format.combine(infoFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
    new transports.File({
      level: "error",
      filename: "logs/errors.log",
      format: format.combine(errorFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
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If you look closely, you will now see that we will have three separated log files generated for each type of log.

Daily rotation of logging files

Now in a production system, maintaining these log files can be painful. Because if your log files are too large, then there is no point in keeping the logs in the first place.

We have to rotate our log files and also need to have a way to organize them.

That's why there is a nice module named winston-daily-rotate-file

We can use this to configure in such a way so that our log files rotate daily, and we can also pass in tons of configurations like the maximum size of files into that.

First, install it

yarn add winston-daily-rotate-file
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Then replace our transports inside the winston

const infoTransport: DailyRotateFile = new DailyRotateFile({
  filename: "logs/info-%DATE%.log",
  datePattern: "HH-DD-MM-YYYY",
  zippedArchive: true,
  maxSize: "20m",
  maxFiles: "14d",
  level: "info",
  format: format.combine(infoFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
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do this for all the log levels and pass it inside the transports in Winston

transports: [new transports.Console(), httpTransport, infoTransport, errorTransport],
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Now you will see new log files inside the logs folder named in the format we specified.

That should take care of all your logging problems.

Final Version

We've covered some of the major concepts for logging in to a NodeJS application. Let's put them to use.

We can encapsulate all of the logic into a separate class like the following.

import { format, transports, createLogger } from "winston";
import DailyRotateFile from "winston-daily-rotate-file";
import morgan, { StreamOptions } from "morgan";

const { combine, timestamp, json, align } = format;

export class Logger {
  static getInstance = (service = "general-purpose") => {
    const logger = createLogger({
      defaultMeta: { service },
      format: combine(
        format.printf((info) => `${info.timestamp} ${info.level}: ${info.message}`)
      transports: [
        new transports.Console(),

    if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production") {
        new transports.Console({
          format: format.combine(format.colorize(), format.simple()),

    return logger;

  static errorFilter = format((info, opts) => {
    return info.level === "error" ? info : false;

  static infoFilter = format((info, opts) => {
    return info.level === "info" ? info : false;

  static httpFilter = format((info, opts) => {
    return info.level === "http" ? info : false;

  static getInfoLoggerTransport = () => {
    return new DailyRotateFile({
      filename: "logs/info-%DATE%.log",
      datePattern: "HH-DD-MM-YYYY",
      zippedArchive: true,
      maxSize: "10m",
      maxFiles: "14d",
      level: "info",
      format: format.combine(Logger.infoFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
  static getErrorLoggerTransport = () => {
    return new DailyRotateFile({
      filename: "logs/error-%DATE%.log",
      datePattern: "HH-DD-MM-YYYY",
      zippedArchive: true,
      maxSize: "10m",
      maxFiles: "14d",
      level: "error",
      format: format.combine(Logger.errorFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),
  static getHttpLoggerTransport = () => {
    return new DailyRotateFile({
      filename: "logs/http-%DATE%.log",
      datePattern: "HH-DD-MM-YYYY",
      zippedArchive: true,
      maxSize: "10m",
      maxFiles: "14d",
      level: "http",
      format: format.combine(Logger.httpFilter(), format.timestamp(), json()),

  static getHttpLoggerInstance = () => {
    const logger = Logger.getInstance();

    const stream: StreamOptions = {
      write: (message: string) => logger.http(message),

    const skip = () => {
      const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
      return env !== "development";

    const morganMiddleware = morgan(":method :url :status :res[content-length] - :response-time ms :remote-addr", {

    return morganMiddleware;
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And we can put this to use like the following.

import { Logger } from "./utils/Logger";

// middleware for

const logger = Logger.getInstance();
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Hope you've learned something new today!

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