Deploying Apps on Render

Monish Kumar - Sep 9 '23 - - Dev Community

Deploying is one of the essential stages in development of any softwares or apps. Deploying an app makes it accessible to users, allowing them to use and benefit from the software. Without deployment, the application remains confined to the development and testing environments.Apps are created to provide value to users or organisations. Deployment ensures that the value envisioned during development is delivered to the intended audience.

As we are now aware of the importance of deployment. Let's get into deploying the app. In this scenario, I have chosen a streamlit application which enables us to create custom dashboards or web-apps.

Pre Requisite:

  1. Have the files of the application on a Github Repository along with the requirements.txt file which contains the necessary packages to be installed.

  2. Sign up on Render

Deployment Flow

  1. Access your dashboard which contains the list of apps once you have deployed it.


2.Create a new web service which is accessible from the dashboard.

Create a web service

3.Choose the option of deploying from a GitHub Repository.

Deploy from GitHub

4.Select the desired repository and connect it.

Choosing a Repository

5.Name your app with a unique name and do not alter any other details for maximum performance.
Name your app

6.Enter the runline or start command to initialise the app. i.e.for streamlit apps : streamlit run
for wsgi apps : gunicorn run appname.wsgi

7.The process has been complete and the deployment has been after clicking the button to create web service.The app should be deployed automatically in 5 minutes.

You can access the app that has been deployed with the url allotted to your account.
Checkout the basic app that has been deployed.

Stay Tuned for my next blog on hosting in a custom domain.

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