Front End Technologies

Sam - Jul 3 - - Dev Community

Front end development is all about creating the part of a website or a software application that users see and interact with, in simple terms the visual aesthetics for example animations,buttons and more.
Today I shall take you through essential technologies that help achieve front end development.

First is Hyper markup Language(HTML). HTML provides structure and content of web pages. It is considered the skeleton of a website, HTML by itself in my opinion is ugly that is where we go into the second technology known as Cascading Style Sheets(CSS).
Do you remember how I said HTML is ugly? CSS is meant to change this by styling HTML elements by adding colors,fonts and cool animations and layouts. Good luck centering that div.
The third technology is Javascript. Javascript is a versatile language used for addind interactivity to web pages. You will definitely pull your hair once in a while trying to understand Javascript under the hood.
The fourth technology is responsive design. It enables us to create websiites that adapt to different screen sizes for smooth viewing experience.
Finally we have Front end frameworks and libraries that provide reusable components.
if you are wondering how to learn how to use the technologies like a pro check out HNG
