How to build a Chess game in React.js

Nadim Chowdhury - Jan 7 - - Dev Community

Building a chess game in ReactJS involves creating components for the chessboard, pieces, and managing the game state. Here's a simplified example to get you started. Please note that creating a full-fledged chess game involves more complex logic, and you might want to consider using a chess library for move validation and other advanced features.

  1. Set Up Your React App: If you haven't already, create a new React app using Create React App:
   npx create-react-app react-chess-game
   cd react-chess-game
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  1. Create Components: Create the necessary components for your chess game. In this example, we'll have a Chessboard component, a Square component, and a Piece component.
   // src/components/Chessboard.js
   import React from 'react';
   import Square from './Square';

   const Chessboard = ({ board }) => {
     return (
       <div className="chessboard">
         {, rowIndex) => (
           <div key={rowIndex} className="board-row">
             {, colIndex) => (
               <Square key={colIndex} piece={piece} />

   export default Chessboard;
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   // src/components/Square.js
   import React from 'react';
   import Piece from './Piece';

   const Square = ({ piece }) => {
     return (
       <div className="square">
         <Piece type={piece && piece.type} color={piece && piece.color} />

   export default Square;
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   // src/components/Piece.js
   import React from 'react';

   const Piece = ({ type, color }) => {
     return type && color ? <div className={`piece ${color}-${type}`} /> : null;

   export default Piece;
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  1. Style Your Components: Style your components using CSS to represent the chessboard, squares, and pieces.
   /* src/components/Chessboard.css */
   .chessboard {
     display: grid;
     grid-template-columns: repeat(8, 1fr);

   .board-row {
     display: flex;

   .square {
     width: 50px;
     height: 50px;
     display: flex;
     align-items: center;
     justify-content: center;

   .piece {
     width: 100%;
     height: 100%;

   .white-piece {
     background-color: #fff;

   .black-piece {
     background-color: #000;
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  1. Integrate Components in App.js: Integrate your Chessboard component in the src/App.js file.
   // src/App.js
   import React from 'react';
   import Chessboard from './components/Chessboard';
   import './App.css';

   const initialBoard = [
     // Initial chessboard state
     // ... (You need to fill in the initial configuration)

   function App() {
     return (
       <div className="App">
         <Chessboard board={initialBoard} />

   export default App;
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  1. Run Your App: Start your React app and see the chess game in action.
   npm start
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This is a basic example to help you get started. To make a fully functional chess game, you'll need to implement logic for moves, piece interactions, and game rules. Consider using a chess library like chess.js for advanced features. Additionally, you may want to implement features like move validation, game state management, and handling checkmate scenarios.

Creating a fully-featured chess game involves implementing complex logic for moves, capturing, and checking for game over conditions like checkmate. Below is an advanced example using ReactJS, the chessboard library chessboardjsx for visual representation, and chess.js for game logic.

  1. Install Required Packages: Install the necessary packages for the chessboard and game logic.
   npm install react-chessboardjsx chess.js
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  1. Create Components: Create the necessary components using react-chessboardjsx and chess.js.
   // src/components/ChessGame.js
   import React, { useState } from 'react';
   import Chessboard from 'react-chessboardjsx';
   import Chess from 'chess.js';

   const ChessGame = () => {
     const [fen, setFen] = useState('start');
     const [game, setGame] = useState(new Chess());

     const onDrop = ({ sourceSquare, targetSquare }) => {
       const move = game.move({
         from: sourceSquare,
         to: targetSquare,
         promotion: 'q', // promote to queen for simplicity

       if (move) {

     return <Chessboard position={fen} onDrop={onDrop} />;

   export default ChessGame;
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  1. Integrate Components in App.js: Integrate your ChessGame component in the src/App.js file.
   // src/App.js
   import React from 'react';
   import ChessGame from './components/ChessGame';
   import './App.css';

   function App() {
     return (
       <div className="App">
         <ChessGame />

   export default App;
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  1. Run Your App: Start your React app and see the chess game in action.
   npm start
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This example uses the react-chessboardjsx library to visualize the chessboard and chess.js for the game logic. The onDrop function handles user moves and updates the board based on the chess.js library.

To enhance this example, you can add features such as move validation, highlighting legal moves, checking for check and checkmate, and implementing a more sophisticated promotion mechanism. Make sure to refer to the documentation of chess.js for more advanced usage.

Note: This is a simplified example, and a production-level chess application might involve additional features and optimizations. Consider exploring more advanced chess libraries or frameworks if you plan to build a comprehensive chess application.

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