How to use is() Property in CSS

Niraj Narkhede - Jun 14 - - Dev Community

In the ever-evolving world of web development, CSS remains a fundamental language for crafting visually appealing user interfaces. Among the myriad of selectors and properties CSS offers, the is() function stands out as a potent tool that every UI developer should master. This article delves into the nuances of the is() property, exploring its functionalities, use cases, and best practices to elevate your CSS skills.

Introduction: Why the is() Property Matters

As a UI developer, you continuously search for ways to make your CSS more efficient and readable. The is() property, introduced in CSS Selectors Level 4, offers a streamlined approach to writing complex selectors. At its core, is() allows you to consolidate multiple selectors into a single, easier-to-read expression, simplifying your CSS and enhancing maintainability.

But what exactly is the is() property, and how can it transform your CSS writing experience? In this comprehensive guide, we will unpack everything you need to know about is(), from its syntax and practical applications to advanced techniques and potential pitfalls. By the end of this article, you'll be well-equipped to incorporate the is() property into your CSS toolkit, creating cleaner, more robust code.

Unpacking the is() Property

What is the is() Property?

The is() property, also known as the "matches-any" pseudo-class, is a CSS selector function that enables you to group multiple selectors together. This means that you can target elements that match any of the selectors within the is() function. The syntax is straightforward:


element:is(selector1, selector2, selector3) {
  /* CSS rules */
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In this context, element is the base element you want to style, and selector1, selector2, selector3 are the individual selectors that you want to combine. The is() function checks each selector and applies the CSS rules if any of them match.

The Syntax: A Closer Look

Understanding the syntax of is() is crucial for leveraging its power effectively. Let's break down the basic structure:

/* Basic usage */
element:is(selector1, selector2, selector3) {
  property: value;

/* Example */
button:is(:hover, :focus) {
  background-color: blue;

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In this example, the button element will have a blue background color when it is either hovered over or focused, demonstrating the utility of is() in combining pseudo-classes.

The Compatibility Factor

Before diving deeper, it's essential to consider browser compatibility. The is() property is relatively new, so ensuring that it's supported in the browsers your users are likely to use is crucial. As of now, modern browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge support the is() property, making it a reliable choice for contemporary web development.

Practical Applications of the is() Property

1. Streamlining Complex Selectors

One of the most significant advantages of the is() property is its ability to simplify complex selectors. Traditionally, combining selectors can result in convoluted code that's difficult to read and maintain. With is(), you can consolidate these selectors into a more comprehensible format.

Consider a navigation menu with various states such as hover, focus, and active. Without is(), you might write something like this:


nav a:hover,
nav a:focus,
nav a:active {
  color: red;
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Using the is() property, you can streamline this to:

nav a:is(:hover, :focus, :active) {
  color: red;
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This approach not only reduces redundancy but also enhances readability, making your CSS easier to maintain.

2. Enhancing Specificity Control

Specificity often poses challenges in CSS, especially when dealing with nested elements and inheritance. The is() property can help manage specificity by providing a clear and concise way to target elements based on multiple conditions.

Suppose you want to apply a border to input fields, textareas, and select boxes when they are focused. Here's how you can achieve this using is():


form :is(input, textarea, select):focus {
  border: 2px solid green;

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This selector ensures that all form elements specified will receive the same styling when focused, without writing repetitive rules for each element type.

3. Cleaner Code with HTML5 Tags

With the introduction of HTML5, new semantic tags such as section, article, aside, and navhave become commonplace. These tags improve accessibility and SEO but can also lead to verbose CSS. The is() property offers a solution to this by allowing you to target multiple semantic tags simultaneously.


:is(section, article, aside, nav) {
  margin: 20px;
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If you want to apply margins to several semantic containers uniformly, you can utilize the is() property as follows:

This method ensures consistency across all specified elements with minimal code.

Advanced Techniques with the is() Property

1. Combining is() with Other Pseudo-Classes

The true potential of the is() property emerges when you combine it with other pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. This allows for more granular control and sophisticated styling strategies.


form :is(input, textarea, select):invalid {
  border: 2px solid red;
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Imagine creating a form where invalid inputs need to be highlighted. You can combine is()with the :invalid pseudo-class to achieve this:

By doing so, you ensure that all specified form fields receive the same error styling without redundancy.

Nesting is() for Complex Scenarios

In some cases, you may encounter scenarios where nesting is() within other selectors can simplify your code even further. However, it's essential to use this technique judiciously to avoid overcomplicating your CSS.


nav > ul > :is(li):hover > ul {
  display: block;
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This selector targets the second-level unordered lists within a navigation menu, showing them when their parent list items are hovered over.

Best Practices for Using the is() Property

Keep It Readable
While the is() property offers powerful capabilities, it's crucial to maintain readability. Overusing or nesting is() excessively can lead to convoluted CSS that defeats the purpose of simplification.

Test Across Browsers
Despite its support in modern browsers, always test your CSS across different browsers to ensure consistent behavior. This practice is especially important for websites with diverse user bases.

Leverage Preprocessors
If you're using a CSS preprocessor like SASS or LESS, you can combine is() with variables and mixins for added flexibility and maintainability. This approach allows for more dynamic and reusable code.

Over-Nesting and Complexity

As with any powerful tool, there's a risk of overcomplicating your CSS with excessive nesting. Always strive for balance and readability. If a selector becomes too complex, consider breaking it down or re-evaluating your approach.

Conclusion: Elevate Your CSS with is()

The is() property is a valuable addition to any UI developer's toolkit. By enabling the consolidation of multiple selectors and enhancing specificity control, is() can streamline your CSS, making it more efficient and maintainable. Embrace this powerful feature to create cleaner, more robust stylesheets that stand the test of time.

Mastering the is() property in CSS is not just about writing less code—it's about writing better, more sustainable code.

So go ahead, experiment with is(), and take your CSS skills to the next level! Whether you're simplifying complex selectors, enhancing specificity, or combining it with other pseudo-classes, is() opens up a world of possibilities for modern UI development.

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