Maximizing Developer Productivity: Essential PyCharm Extensions

Nzioki Dennis - Feb 19 - - Dev Community

As a developer deeply invested in optimizing developer workflows, I understand the importance of leveraging the right tools to streamline coding processes. In this blog post, I'll delve into ten essential PyCharm extensions that can significantly enhance productivity and collaboration for software developers. I recently started using Pycharm IDE and in that period I've come across a few extensions which have been valuable in my development journey.

Code With Me

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Collaboration lies at the heart of efficient software development, and Code With Me is a game-changer in this regard. This extension facilitates real-time collaborative coding sessions, allowing multiple developers to work on the same codebase simultaneously, irrespective of geographical locations. With features like shared debugging and integrated audio and video calls, Code With Me fosters seamless pair programming and enables efficient code reviews, thereby accelerating the development cycle and fostering teamwork.

Code With Me is a built-in feature of PyCharm starting from version 2021.2. If you're using an earlier version, you may need to update your PyCharm IDE to access this functionality.


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Version control is a cornerstone of modern software development, and GitToolBox takes PyCharm's built-in Git integration to the next level. This extension augments Git functionality with advanced features such as an intuitive commit history viewer, branch management tools, and enhanced diff viewing capabilities. Developers can easily visualize changes, navigate branches, and manage repositories directly within the IDE, streamlining the version control process and promoting code consistency.

Navigate to File > Settings > Plugins in PyCharm.
Search for "GitToolBox" in the Marketplace tab.
Click the "Install" button next to the GitToolBox plugin.
Restart PyCharm when prompted.

Key Promoter X

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Mastery of keyboard shortcuts is key to unlocking the full potential of any IDE, and Key Promoter X serves as a valuable aid in this endeavor. This extension promotes keyboard-driven development by displaying notifications whenever a command is executed using the mouse, encouraging developers to learn and utilize corresponding keyboard shortcuts. By minimizing reliance on mouse interactions and maximizing efficiency, Key Promoter X empowers developers to navigate codebases swiftly and execute tasks more effectively.

Go to File > Settings > Plugins in PyCharm.
Switch to the Marketplace tab and search for "Key Promoter X".
Click the "Install" button next to the Key Promoter X plugin.
Restart PyCharm to activate the plugin.

Material Theme UI

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A visually appealing and customizable user interface enhances the coding experience, and Material Theme UI delivers precisely that. Inspired by Google's Material Design principles, this extension offers a modern and vibrant interface for PyCharm, featuring customizable color schemes, icon sets, and UI elements. Developers can tailor the IDE's appearance to suit their preferences, fostering a personalized and aesthetically pleasing coding environment conducive to creativity and focus.

Open PyCharm and go to File > Settings > Plugins.
Search for "Material Theme UI" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and wait for the installation to complete.
Restart PyCharm to apply the new theme.


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A comprehensive understanding of code structure is essential for efficient navigation and comprehension, and CodeGlance provides developers with a valuable tool for achieving this. By adding a code minimap to the editor window, this extension offers a bird's eye view of the entire file's structure, allowing developers to navigate large codebases with ease and quickly locate relevant sections. With support for code folding and smooth scrolling, CodeGlance enhances code readability and facilitates efficient code exploration.

Open PyCharm and navigate to File > Settings > Plugins.
Search for "CodeGlance" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm when prompted.

Rainbow Brackets

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Nesting of brackets, braces, and parentheses is a common occurrence in code, and Rainbow Brackets simplifies the process of visually identifying matching pairs. This extension colorizes nested brackets with distinct colors, making it easier for developers to distinguish between different levels of nesting and spot potential syntax errors related to mismatched brackets. By improving code readability and reducing the likelihood of errors, Rainbow Brackets enhances coding accuracy and efficiency.

Access PyCharm's File > Settings > Plugins.
Look for "Rainbow Brackets" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm to activate the extension.


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CodiumAI is an extension designed to enhance code completion and provide intelligent code suggestions based on machine learning algorithms. It analyzes the context of your code and suggests relevant completions, helping to speed up coding tasks and reduce errors. CodiumAI leverages artificial intelligence to understand patterns in your coding style and offer more accurate and context-aware suggestions, ultimately improving your coding experience in PyCharm.

Open PyCharm and navigate to File > Settings > Plugins.
Search for "CodiumAI" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm to activate the extension.

Python Docstring Generator

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Clear and concise documentation is essential for understanding code functionality, and Python Docstring Generator automates the generation of docstrings for Python functions, classes, and methods. By analyzing function signatures and parameter information, this extension generates docstring templates that serve as a foundation for documenting code components. Developers can quickly add descriptive comments and parameter explanations, improving code documentation and maintainability with minimal effort.

Navigate to File > Settings > Plugins in PyCharm.
Search for "Python Docstring Generator" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm for the changes to take effect.

PlantUML Integration

Visual representation of code structures can aid in comprehension and communication, and PlantUML Integration enables developers to create UML diagrams directly within PyCharm using the PlantUML syntax. With support for various diagram types such as class diagrams, sequence diagrams, and activity diagrams, this extension facilitates visual modeling of code relationships and system architectures. By incorporating UML diagrams into the development workflow, developers can enhance design clarity, identify dependencies, and communicate concepts effectively.

Open PyCharm and access File > Settings > Plugins.
Search for "PlantUML Integration" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm to activate the integration.


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Time management and productivity are paramount in software development, and WakaTime provides developers with valuable insights into their coding habits and efficiency. This extension tracks coding activity across projects and languages, generating detailed reports and metrics on time spent coding, project contributions, and coding patterns. Armed with this data, developers can analyze their workflow, identify areas for improvement, and optimize their productivity by focusing on high-impact tasks and minimizing distractions.

Go to File > Settings > Plugins in PyCharm.
Search for "WakaTime" in the Marketplace.
Click "Install" and restart PyCharm for the plugin to be functional.

Wrap up!
The ten PyCharm extensions discussed in this blog post represent indispensable tools for maximizing developer productivity and collaboration. Whether facilitating real-time collaboration, enhancing version control workflows, promoting keyboard-driven development, or improving code readability and documentation, these extensions empower developers to work more efficiently and effectively. By integrating these extensions into their workflow, developers can unlock new levels of productivity and creativity, ultimately driving the success of their projects and teams.

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