The Bond between Frontend Development and User Experience (UX) Design

Victor Ogbonna - May 25 - - Dev Community

Frontend development, as you may know, is the development of a website’s graphical user interface with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that users can view and interact with that website. And User Experience (UX) Design is a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on creating, products, services, and systems, that are efficient, and enjoyable for users to interact with it. It is a multidisciplinary approach because it involves various aspects of design, technology, and psychology to deliver the required result. The relationship between front-end development and UX design is very important because it ensures the success of a website or an app because a well-designed user experience implemented correctly can boost user satisfaction, engagement, and conversions, and it improves usability and accessibility. All these are crucial for the success of a project. In the following sections of this article, we will dive deep into how complimentary this relationship is, and how it makes the web, and software development in general better.

  • Understanding UX design
  • The Role of Frontend Development in UX
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Accessibility and Usability Testing
  • Future Trends and Innovations

Understanding UX Design

As already stated earlier, UX design is a multidisciplinary approach that focuses on creating, products, services, and systems, that are efficient, and enjoyable for users to interact with it. It is crucial for the creation of successful products because its designs help make the product useable and meaningful. For UX design to work out well, UX designers are guided by a set of principles, some of these principles include;

  • User-Centered: This principle states that when designing any product, the user’s needs should be put first, and every decision should be made with what you know about them and what they want from the product, so your product can solve their problem(s).
  • Hierarchy: This principle calls for the right arrangement and prioritisation of elements and content in a design, so it can be easily accessed by users to navigate the interface easily. Hierarchy is divided into two; information hierarchy, which organizes content according to its importance and relevance to the user, while visual hierarchy guides the user’s attention to important elements in the product through the use of colour, sizes, fonts, and images.
  • Consistency: This principle states that when you are designing any product, every content, every element, should be consistent with the brand identity, how they look and function should not be distant from each other, for example, if you are designing a hotel website, it shouldn’t look or function like a payment processing website.
  • Usability: You should always make sure your design makes the product easy to use, it should be easy to learn how to use, and satisfactory. UX designers are essential in shaping user experience because they bring all these ideas to fruition, without them these ideas and principles just end up being nothing but written down words.

The Role of Frontend Development in User Experience

As stated at the beginning of this article frontend development is the development of a website’s graphical user interface with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript so that users can view and interact with that website. It plays an essential role in user experience because developing the front end is essential to improving the user experience. Well-designed, useful, and aesthetically pleasing websites are more likely to draw and keep users across all platforms. Users are encouraged to explore your material by simple navigation and intuitive interaction, which eventually increases the likelihood that they will become customers. It plays these roles in the following ways;

  • Responsiveness and Adaptability: It’s the duty of a front-end developer to ensure that a website works seamlessly on different screen sizes, it should be able to adapt to different forms either portrait or landscape. Because the website will be accessed by users with different kinds of devices.
  • Accessibility: Front-end development ensures that the products are easy to use, for example, a particular button shouldn’t be too small to touch, ensuring smooth navigation for users.
  • Performance: Front-end development ensures that an app is functioning optimally, has great page load speed, and animations and videos should occur smoothly and simultaneously.

Collaboration and Communication

It is paramount that Front-end developers and UX designers collaborate to ensure the success of the web, one can’t do without the other, to improve the user experience, seamlessly integrate design and functionality, and contribute to the overall success of a project. There should be strategies put in place to ensure effective collaboration and communication between Front-end developers and UX designers, some of which include;

  • Firstly, front-end developers need to be involved early in the design process.
  • Utilizing design collaboration tools to enable designers to produce design elements that frontend engineers can share with ease. Afterwards, front-end developers can expedite the development process by using these tools to examine design assets, produce code snippets, and export materials.
  • Maintaining clear-cut channels of communication, developers and designers should have regular check-ins and updates with each other to ensure any issues are fixed swiftly, and delays are avoided.

Accessibility and Usability Testing

Accessibility is a very important piece of UX design, and there are practices front-developers can implement in their codes to enhance accessibility;

  • Semantic HTML: They can use HTML elements and tags like “” “” “” “” “” etc. appropriately to provide structure to the contents.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Make sure all the interactive elements are keyboard accessible so that users can be able to navigate the website with their keyboard.
  • Color Contrast: Ensuring readability for users with color blindness or low vision by making sufficient color contrast between the text and background.
  • Alt text for images: Ensuring that the purpose and content of images are for users who can’t see with the descriptive text attribute in the "img" HTML tag.
  • Responsive Design: Make designs that are responsive to various screen sizes and gadgets. Verify the website's usability across a range of gadgets, such as tablets and smartphones.

Usability testing is a way of evaluating if a website or app is ready to be released by testing it with real users who are part of the target audience. Usability tests assess the overall user experience by measuring the relative ease with which end users can complete a set of tasks that an average user of the app or website would need to complete. Usability testing aims to understand how actual users interact with your website, and modifications can be made in response to the findings. Front-end developers can assist in usability testing in the following ways;

  • By building interactive mockups based on the UX design. This will be essential for gathering feedback before the project is released.
  • Ensuring that the test environment is set up rightly with the latest codes and dependencies by configuring the testing environment to resemble the final production environment
  • Front-end developers can facilitate testing sessions by being observers and providing answers about functionalities.
  • They can identify key user flows, and test scenarios, and provide insights on which features should be tested based on their technical know-how.

Future Trends and Innovation

We live in a fast-paced world where new systems and innovations are being churned out frequently, and the world of software development isn’t an exception. Some of the emerging trends include;

  • Motion Design Microinteractions
  • Progressive Web Applications
  • Voice user interfaces
  • Virtual reality and Augmented reality
  • Conservation designs
  • Data-Drive Designs Front-end developers and UX designers must stay ahead of the curve by continuously learning and incorporating these innovations into their skill sets.


The relationship between front-end development and UX design is akin to a symbiotic relationship, it is necessary and needed for optimal web and software development, together they make the software and apps on our devices look and work great. So as more innovations come into existence these two sides of a coin will continue to foster a better consumer tech experience.

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