As a BackEnd Dev, what is your biggest struggle while learning Front End Technologies?

Jaime Rios - Mar 23 '20 - - Dev Community

For me, the biggest struggle while learning Front End Technologies was to distiguish between what is worth learning and revelant and what is not.

It was early 2016, when Angular 2 was a romour, IE was still supported, flexbox was emerging but not yet supported by most modern browsers.

A few questions that exemplify my struggle were the following:

  • Desciding between using bower and npm as a package manager.
  • Choosing a first JS freamework to learn, my candidates were: Angular, Angular 2 that was about to be realeased, Ember or React.
  • Should I learn ES6?
  • Should I learn Typescript or CoffeeScript?
  • Grunt or Gulp? What about Yeoman?

What about you:

As a BackEnd Dev, what is your biggest struggle while learning Front End Technologies?

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