The Role of Asset Allocation in Portfolio Management

Rani - Jul 29 - - Dev Community

To achieve something greater in life, mindset plays a critical role. There are mainly two types of mindset - Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset, and the outcome of these two are like two lines going in the opposite direction. Growth mindset is where a student deals with criticism, faces challenges with confidence and takes inspiration from the success of others. Whereas, the students having a fixed mindset are more likely to ignore criticism, give up easily at the time of obstacles and avoid challenging situations.

For instance, there are 2 students named Pooja and Karishma. They both are pursuing B.Com. In their 2nd semester, despite giving their best, they both scored C grade in Organisational Behaviour subject. Due to low grades, without even checking where she went wrong, Pooja came to the conclusion that she no longer wanted to work hard in this subject. Whereas, on the other hand, Karishma went through her mistakes, analysed them and motivated herself to study harder for next semester.

So, in this scenario, Pooja had a fixed mindset that couldn’t motivate her nor let her face the challenge confidently while Karishma had a growth mindset that made her stand brave when she got poor grades and motivated her to perform better for the upcoming exams.

So, a positive mindset plays a crucial role in the growth story of any individual. Whether it be a student or a business founder or even a politician, a growth mindset is a stepping stone to success.

But, how to develop it for academic success? Let’s delve into this blog and understand it.

*Developing a Growth Mindset: Top Benefits *

Growth Mindset
There are many reasons why people with a growth mindset succeed with flying colours. Some of the top benefits of developing or switching to a growth mindset are as follows:

☯ Better Academic Performance
Students with a never-give- up attitude have a growth mindset and they are more likely to score better in exams. Developing a growth mindset pushes you internally to work hard and consistently put efforts to achieve the desired results. So, if you think that you easily give up at the time of a challenging or difficult situation, you probably have a fixed mindset that needs to be flipped with a growth mindset and drive success academically.

☯Improved Resilience and Coping Ability
If you have a growth mindset, your resilience and coping skills will be naturally better than those who give at the time of setbacks. A growth mindset helps you stand stronger and navigate setbacks with a smile and take it as an inspiration to perform better in future exams and academic activities. This mindset begins with positivity and helps you to tackle failure from your academic journey with ease and determination.
The best part is that you no longer have to rely on external motivation from any person or through any motivational speeches, as this mindset is enough to give you a smart push internally.

Enhanced Student Motivation and Engagement
A growth mindset helps you to stay motivated and open to learning new things. The conviction that effort leads to improvement motivates students to take on new challenges and actively participate in the learning process. This mindset promotes resilience and a love of learning by viewing failures and setbacks as chances for progress rather than insurmountable obstacles. They recognize that intelligence and abilities are not fixed characteristics, but can be developed with devotion and hard work. This viewpoint promotes a proactive attitude to solving issues, ongoing self-improvement, and the perseverance required to overcome challenges.

Best Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
Some of the best ways to develop a growth mindset that can lead to an academic success are as follows:

Take Up Challenges: Encourage yourself to take up new activities, subjects, or projects that may seem scary. Create a safe environment in which mistakes are accepted as natural components of the learning process, and share stories of successful people who suffered repeated failures before achieving their goals. Use growth-oriented language, replacing negative words like "This is too hard" with "This is an opportunity to grow," to see challenges as a vital part to academic development.

Embrace Criticism: View constructive feedback as a helpful resource for progress, emphasising your efforts and learning strategies rather than the results. Reflect on your performance, identify areas for improvement, and devise strategies to address them. Normalise viewing it as a strength, and use tools like tutoring, study groups, and office hours to improve your progress and development.

Celebrate your Efforts, Not Just Success: Recognize and celebrate your hard work and progress on a regular basis, even if the desired outcome has not yet been attained. Instead of emphasising natural abilities, use effort-based praise to recognize your devotion, tenacity, and other learning methods. Maintain a portfolio of your work throughout time to visibly demonstrate progress and improvement, underlining the importance of the learning process and ongoing development.

Set Realistic Goals: To keep focused and motivated, make your goals SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound). Schedule regular check-ins to review progress and make any adjustments, recognizing accomplishments along the way. Break down major projects into smaller, and manageable steps, making it easier to track your progress and stay motivated to achieve your academic goals.

Make Learning a Part of Life: Encourage your curiosity and love for finding new things by establishing an environment in which inquiries are welcomed and inquiry is encouraged. Follow your interests and participate in hands-on, experiential learning opportunities. Accept the thrill of learning and view each encounter as an opportunity to advance your knowledge and skills.

Embrace a Growth Mindset: Demonstrate your excitement for learning and how you overcame your personal hurdles. Share personal experiences of endurance, emphasise the importance of hard work and learning from mistakes, and use language that encourages progress. By adopting a growth mindset, you may encourage yourself and others to adopt the same approach to learning and development.

Thus, a growth mindset is inevitable for academic growth and success. In case you want to advance your career in terms of academics, Jaro Education is associated with many top-notch IIMs, IITs and renowned institutions. To get a detailed insight, connect with the admission experts of Jaro Education.
