Learn Python: strings

Rishi - May 2 '20 - - Dev Community


A string can be declared using either single' or double" quotations.

### A string with double quotation
my_string1 = "Hello, Rishi"
### A string with single quotation
my_string2 = 'Hello, Rishi'
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Using single' and double" quotations

Both single' and double" quotations can be used while declaring a string.

### A string with mixed quotations
string_mixed = "Hello, Rishi: 'You are amazing'!"

string_mixed2 = 'Hello, Rishi: "You are amazing"!'
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Escaping single' and double" quotations

To use the same quotations within the string declaration, an escape character \ needs to be used.

 ### A string with mixed quotations using an escape character
string_mixed3 = "Hello, Rishi: \"You are amazing\"!"

string_mixed4 = 'Hello, Rishi: \'You are amazing\'!'
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Multi-line strings - Double Quotes

Multi lines string starts and ends with triple double-quotations """.
This triple double-quotations """ can be used for long comments within a python code.

### Multi-line strings - Double Quotes

multiple_lines = """Hello,

My name is Rishi.



This is a 

long comments.
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Multi-line strings - Single Quotes

Multi lines string starts and ends with triple double-quotations '''.
This triple double-quotations ''' can be used for long comments within a python code.

### Multi-line strings - Single Quotes

multiple_lines = '''Hello,

My name is Rishi.



This is a 

long comments.
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Adding a string to another string

### Adding a string to another string

greet = "Hello"
name = "Rishi"

print(greet + name);
print(greet + ' ' + name);
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Adding a string to a number!!! Wait? 😕

Before adding a string to a number, we need to convert it first using str().

### Adding a string to a number!!! Wait?
greet = "Hello"
number_as_string = str(2020)
float_as_string = str(0.12345)

print(greet + number_as_string);
print(greet + ' ' + number_as_string);
print(greet + ' ' + float_as_string)
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