Getting Started with Your CDK TypeScript Project

sates - Jul 12 - - Dev Community

Welcome to your CDK TypeScript project! This guide will help you set up and get started with AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) using TypeScript. Whether you are a seasoned developer or new to CDK, this blank project template provides a solid foundation for your CDK development journey.

Understanding the Project Structure

In your CDK TypeScript project, the cdk.json file plays a crucial role. It instructs the CDK Toolkit on how to execute your app. By default, the project comes with several useful commands that streamline the development and deployment processes.

Essential Commands

Here are some essential commands you will frequently use in your CDK TypeScript project:

1. Build

To compile your TypeScript code to JavaScript, use the following command:

npm run build
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This command ensures that your TypeScript code is transformed into executable JavaScript, making it ready for deployment and testing.

2. Watch

While actively developing your project, you can use the watch command to automatically compile your TypeScript code whenever changes are detected:

npm run watch
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This command enhances productivity by eliminating the need for manual compilation, allowing you to focus on writing code.

3. Test

Testing is a critical part of any development process. You can run your Jest unit tests with the following command:

npm run test
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This command ensures that your code behaves as expected and helps catch any errors early in the development cycle.

4. Deploy

To deploy your CDK stack to your default AWS account and region, use the deploy command:

npx cdk deploy
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This command packages your application and deploys it to AWS, making it live and accessible in your specified environment.

5. Diff

Before deploying changes, it is often useful to compare the deployed stack with the current state. The diff command allows you to do this:

npx cdk diff
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This command provides a detailed comparison, highlighting any differences between your local code and the deployed stack, helping you understand the impact of your changes.

6. Synthesize

To generate the CloudFormation template from your CDK code, use the synth command:

npx cdk synth
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This command emits the synthesized CloudFormation template, which can be reviewed or used for deployment.

Environment-Specific Deployment

In cases where you need to deploy to different environments, you can pass context values to your deployment command. For instance, to deploy with a specific environment value, use the following command:

cdk deploy --context VITE_ENVIRONMENT=yourEnvironmentValue
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This flexibility allows you to manage multiple environments (e.g., development, staging, production) within the same CDK project.


Your CDK TypeScript project is now set up and ready for development. By leveraging these essential commands, you can efficiently build, test, and deploy your infrastructure as code using AWS CDK. Happy coding and successful deployments!

For more detailed information on AWS CDK and its features, refer to the official AWS CDK documentation.
