Beginner's Handbook: JavaScript and REST API Calls Explained

Sato Kenta - Feb 29 - - Dev Community

In this exploration, we're going to decipher the components and operations involved in integrating JavaScript with REST APIs. This technical journey will cover the foundational terms necessary for understanding how JavaScript interacts with RESTful services, a modern approach to handling web requests.

Key Concepts Explained


JavaScript stands as a cornerstone language in the realm of web development, working closely alongside HTML and CSS. Its role is pivotal in bringing web pages to life, introducing dynamics and interactivity, managing browser operations, and facilitating communication with external systems such as servers.


Short for Representational State Transfer, REST is a guiding principle for developing web services that stress on leveraging standard HTTP protocols. It simplifies the interaction with web resources by treating data as resources that can be created, read, updated, or deleted.


API or Application Programming Interface acts as a bridge enabling two separate software applications to talk to each other. Within the context of web development, it allows JavaScript to request and exchange data with server-side technologies.


In this context, a 'call' represents executing JavaScript code to request data from a REST API, typically through common HTTP requests like GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE, targeting specific URLs.

Exploring JavaScript REST API Calls

By amalgamating the explained concepts, we understand JavaScript REST API calls as JavaScript code crafted to communicate with APIs that follow RESTful principles.

For engaging with REST APIs using JavaScript, two prevalent methods emerge:

  • Fetch API: A modern, promise-based mechanism built into the browser for executing asynchronous HTTP requests.
  • XMLHttpRequest (XHR): An older technique, gradually becoming obsolete due to its complexity and verbose syntax, making way for the Fetch API's simplicity.

Given its contemporary approach and ease of use, we'll focus on utilizing the Fetch API for explaining the interaction process.

Procedure for Making JavaScript REST API Calls

The communication process between a web application and a REST API unfolds through several stages:

  1. Defining the API Endpoint: Initially, identify the REST API's specific URL endpoint you wish to access. For example, Complex requests might require URL parameters to refine the query.

  2. Choosing the HTTP Method: REST APIs leverage different HTTP methods for various operations:

-   **GET:**  Fetches data from the server.
-   **POST:**  Creates new records on the server.
-   **PUT:**  Modifies existing records.
-   **DELETE:**  Removes records from the server.  
    Accompanying data, often in JSON format, is sometimes necessary for these requests.
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  1. Executing the Request with Fetch API: Implement the Fetch API to specify the request details (fetch()), including URL, method, and any additional data.

  2. Processing the Response: The fetch() method returns a promise, culminating in a response that needs parsing and handling.

  3. Utilizing the Data: With the response data in hand, it's possible to manipulate the user interface or perform further operations within your application.

JavaScript REST API Call Example Using Fetch API

const endpoint = '';

  .then(response => response.json()) // Convert response to JSON
  .then(data => {
    console.log(data); // Output data to console
  .catch(error => {
    console.error(error); // Catch and log any errors
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This snippet connects to to fetch a list of users. It demonstrates the use of .then() methods for parsing and utilizing JSON data, accompanied by a .catch() to handle potential errors.

JavaScript REST API's Real-World Influence

Integrating JavaScript with REST APIs has expanded web applications' capabilities, allowing them to interact seamlessly with server-side data. Here's how:

In Travel and Hospitality:

  • Flight and hotel searches: Querying travel-related APIs for information based on user preferences.
  • Booking Systems: Submitting reservation details to server APIs for processing.
  • Real-time Updates: Fetching live flight statuses for timely user notifications.

In Finance:

  • Market Insights: Fetching live or historical financial data for informed decision-making.
  • Portfolio Dashboard: Displaying personalized financial data through secure API calls.
  • Transaction Processing: Executing buy/sell orders through secure financial APIs.

Wrapping Up

Harnessing JavaScript for REST API calls significantly enhances web application functionalities, erasing the boundaries between client and server architecture. This integration facilitates a seamless flow of data across the internet, unlocking endless possibilities for developers to innovate.

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