Container Security Best Practices: Avoid Running Containers as Root

Saumya - May 14 - - Dev Community

Containers have become a popular way to package and deploy applications due to their lightweight nature and scalability. However, ensuring container security is crucial to protect your applications and data from potential threats. Here are some best practices for securing containers:

1. Use Official Images and Trusted Repositories

Best Practice: Always use official images from trusted sources like Docker Hub or other verified repositories.

Rationale: Official images are regularly updated and scanned for vulnerabilities. Avoid using images from untrusted sources to minimize security risks.

2. Keep Containers Updated

Best Practice: Regularly update container images and underlying base images to incorporate security patches and fixes.

Rationale: Outdated software can have known vulnerabilities that attackers can exploit. Utilize automated processes for image updates.

3. Implement Least Privilege Principle

Best Practice: Use the principle of least privilege when defining container permissions and capabilities.

Rationale: Limit the access and capabilities of containers to only what is necessary for the application to function, reducing the attack surface.

4. Use Container Security Tools

Best Practice: Implement container security tools such as vulnerability scanners, runtime protection, and image signing.

Rationale: Tools like Clair, Anchore, and Falco can help detect and prevent vulnerabilities, anomalous behavior, and unauthorized access in containers.

5. Enable Image Signing and Verification

Best Practice: Sign container images using digital signatures and verify signatures before deploying them.

Rationale: Image signing ensures the integrity and authenticity of container images, mitigating the risk of tampering or unauthorized modifications.

6. Secure Container Networking

Best Practice: Implement network segmentation and firewall rules to control traffic between containers and external networks.

Rationale: Secure networking prevents unauthorized access and reduces the impact of potential network-based attacks.

7. Use Container Orchestration with Built-in Security Features

Best Practice: Leverage container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, or Amazon ECS with built-in security features.

Rationale: Container orchestration platforms provide features like network policies, secrets management, and runtime security controls.

8. Monitor and Audit Container Activities

Best Practice: Implement logging and monitoring for container activities and runtime behavior.

Rationale: Monitoring helps detect suspicious activities, anomalies, and potential security incidents in real-time.

9. Secure Environment Variables and Secrets

Best Practice: Avoid hardcoding sensitive information like passwords or API keys in Dockerfiles or source code.

Rationale: Use environment variables or secret management tools (e.g., Docker secrets, Kubernetes Secrets) to securely manage and inject secrets into containers.

10. Enable Runtime Security Controls

Best Practice: Implement runtime security controls to detect and prevent malicious behavior within containers.

Rationale: Runtime security tools like SELinux, AppArmor, or Docker Security Scanning add an extra layer of defense against runtime threats.

11. Follow Container Hardening Guidelines

Best Practice: Apply container hardening guidelines specific to your container runtime (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes).

Rationale: Hardening guidelines provide configuration recommendations to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance container security posture.


Securing containers requires a combination of proactive measures, continuous monitoring, and adherence to best practices throughout the container lifecycle. By implementing these container security best practices, organizations can enhance the security posture of their containerized applications and protect against evolving cyber threats. Additionally, regular security assessments, threat modeling, and collaboration with security experts are essential for maintaining robust container security.

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