Principle of least astonishment - tech product POV

Shagun Bidawatka - Aug 1 - - Dev Community

As a developer, you strive to create interfaces that are not only functional but also intuitive and user-friendly. One of the guiding principles to achieve this is the Principle of Least Astonishment (PoLA). This principle states that a system should behave in a way that least surprises its users, ensuring that their expectations are met and interactions are smooth. In this blog, we'll explore PoLA from a developer's perspective, its importance, and practical ways to implement it in your projects.

Why PoLA Matters

  1. User Experience (UX): Good UX is about meeting user expectations. When an application behaves as users anticipate, it reduces frustration and increases satisfaction.

  2. Usability: Consistency and predictability make an application easier to learn and use. Users spend less time figuring out how things work and more time achieving their goals.

  3. Error Reduction: When users understand the consequences of their actions, they are less likely to make mistakes.

  4. Trust: Predictable behaviour fosters trust. Users are more likely to return to an application that consistently meets their expectations.

How to implement it in the project

Consistent Design Patterns

Consistency in design helps users build a mental model of how the application works. Here are some key aspects to focus on:

  • Navigation: Use familiar navigation patterns. A product should follow common navigation structures like top menus, sidebars, and breadcrumb trails.

  • Forms: Place labels and input fields in predictable locations. For instance, labels are typically placed above or to the left of input fields and common way of showcasing field and form validations.

  • Buttons: Use standard button styles for usual actions like "Submit," "Cancel,", "Edit" and "Delete".

Clear and Immediate Feedback on user actions

Feedback informs users about the outcome of their actions. To implement this:

  • Visual Feedback: Highlight interactive elements and use loading indicators for actions that take time to process.

  • Notifications or toasts: Display messages for successful actions, errors, and warnings. Prefer these messages to be clear and concise.

  • Animations: Use animations to indicate changes, but it shouldn't be distracting and disturbing.

Meaningful Defaults

Giving default values an idea to the users.

  • Form Fields: Pre-fill fields with common values where appropriate.

  • Settings: Choose default settings that cater to the majority of users while providing options for customization.

Avoiding Surprises

Use text and labels that are understandable to the users. Surprising users can lead to confusion and frustration. Avoid this by adding clear terminology and not hiding things or information behind interactions.

Challenges in Applying POLA

While POLA is a valuable principle, there are challenges in its application. Balancing innovation with familiarity can be difficult, as introducing new features or designs might initially surprise users. However, clear communication and gradual introduction of changes can mitigate this.

Case Study

In one of our projects, we implemented a file upload feature where users needed to upload a file, enter a name, and then click an "Add" button to complete the upload process. Initially, we displayed the uploaded file in the interface as soon as the user selected it, which led users to believe the file had been successfully uploaded without needing to click "Add". This led to confusion and as a result, many users reported the issue of the upload file feature.

This illustrates a practical application of the Principle of Least Astonishment, showing how misalignment between user expectations and system behaviour can cause issues. And they can be avoided and corrected. Embracing PoLA will not only make your applications more user-friendly but also set you apart as a thoughtful and skilled professional in the tech industry.

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