PostgreSQL Vs Supabase

Shariq Ahmed - Jan 26 - - Dev Community

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Backend of a website is as important as ying is for yang. Without it, a website can’t exist. At times, people do face multiple problems in making backend. But let’s ditch frontend today and focus only on the backend.

Okay, so unlike today, Microsoft was the real king of technologies. In the 1980s, they introduced the concept of backend databases. As the time went on, development in the backend was also happening. But despite all this, people started facing problems. Google created Firebase to address many backend-related problems. But developers were still facing problems. Then in 2020, Paul Copplestone launched Supabase. He used the PostgreSQL database in Supabase. But ever wondered what’s the difference between both? Before that, let me tell you what PostgreSQL is.

PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that is used for data storing in many web, and mobile apps. There are many different languages that PostgreSQL support like python, Java, C#, C/C+, Ruby, Perl, Go to name a few. Big companies like Apple, Fujitsu, Red Hat, Cisco, and Instagram all use PostgreSQL. It’s considered as the fourth most popular database management system.

Difference Between PostgreSQL and Supabase

As of 2023, Supabase got 50,000 stars on GitHub. Due to this, Supabase is now included in the top 160 popular databases. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, has 13,900 stars on GitHub. In fact, previously MySQL was considered the most popular. But in the last year–2023–PostgreSQL took its position. Let’s see the difference between PostgreSQL and Supabase.

  • Supabase was created by Paul Coplestone. He is a full-stack developer as well as entrepreneur. PostgreSQL was created in 1986. It was created by the University of California.
  • The reason Paul made SupaBase while working on one of the projects was that he was not not able to see users’ responses until and unless they refresh their web page. That’s because Firebase can read only one query in one second for each block. But the good thing about Firebase was that it also had a real-time database. PostgreSQL didn’t have this. So, Paul made Supbase–real-time and open-source.
  • PostgreSQL is a relational database management system. Supabase is the BaaS.
  • SupaBase helps in the backend. PostgreSQL protects data. Irrespective of the data, it also helps you manage the dataset.
  • PostgreSQL is coded in C. Supabase uses JavaScript and Flutter.
  • Learning curve of Supabase is small, thanks to the comprehensive guide on their website. Fortunately, PostgreSQL is also easy to learn. Its strong community might be the reason.
  • PostgreSQL is best suited for applications that involve complex queries. At times, developers use PostgreSQL to create prototypes as well. Supabase is also used for making complex websites that need complex data.
  • Both Supabase and PostgreSQL are praised because of their fast performance.
  • PostgreSQL is largely used by companies that use data like NASA, FAA, and DoD. Supabase, on the other hand, is used as a backend for websites including Bumblebee, WhiteSpace, Setsuna, Visual Vibes, Sleep Ranking, Supafast, etc.

PostgreSQL vs Supabase: When to Choose What?

Well, choosing between PostgreSQL Vs Supabase isn’t hard. Because both cater to different needs. But for your ease, I’m mentioning when you should choose Supabase over PostgreSQL.

Opt for Supabase When:

  1. You want an open-source backend service that comes with SQL editor and gives you more control over your database as well as hosting.
  2. You want a fast query read.
  3. You don’t want to pay for just reading, writing and deleting. Firebase requires you to pay for reading, writing as well as deleting. Supabase charges you on the amount of stored data.

Choose PostgreSQL When:

  1. You want to use something light weight that can manage read-write operations.
  2. You want to deal with large datasets as well as complex queries.
  3. You need faster processing of data. Good thing is despite all this, PostgreSQL is really stable.
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