React Native vs. Flutter

Snehasish Konger - Sep 29 '23 - - Dev Community

Cross-platform mobile development is a rapidly growing field, as businesses look for ways to save time and money by developing a single app that can be used on multiple platforms. React Native and Flutter are two of the most popular frameworks for cross-platform mobile development, and each has its own unique advantages and disadvantages.

In this blog post, we will compare React Native and Flutter in more detail. We will discuss their key features, the recent studies that have been done on them, and which framework is right for you.

React Native

What is React Native?

React Native is a JavaScript framework designed explicitly for crafting native mobile applications. It adopts a hybrid approach to rendering, which amalgamates native components with JavaScript code. This approach allows developers to harness the power of JavaScript while delivering a user experience that closely resembles that of a natively developed app.

Key Features:

  • Hybrid Rendering: React Native's hybrid approach enables you to build apps using a single codebase that runs on both iOS and Android platforms, saving you time and resources.

  • Hot Reload: One of React Native's standout features is its hot reload capability. Changes made to your code are instantly reflected in the app, reducing development downtime and accelerating the iteration process.

  • Large Community and Third-Party Libraries: React Native enjoys extensive developer support and boasts a plethora of third-party libraries. This vibrant ecosystem simplifies the development process by offering pre-built solutions to common challenges.

Core Features

  1. Declarative UI: React Native employs a declarative UI paradigm, enabling you to describe how your app should look and behave based on its current state. This approach simplifies UI development and maintenance.

  2. Hot Reload: As mentioned earlier, hot reload lets you see the impact of code changes immediately. This fosters a quicker development cycle and a more responsive workflow.

  3. Native Performance: While React Native strives for native-like performance, it may not always match the speed and efficiency of fully native applications.

  4. Large Community Support: A massive community of React Native developers means abundant resources, tutorials, and problem-solving discussions are at your disposal.

  5. Third-Party Libraries: React Native's extensive library repository lets you leverage pre-built components and modules, accelerating development.

Complete Code for a Screen/Page

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';

class HomeScreen extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>
        <Text style={styles.text}>Welcome to React Native</Text>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    justifyContent: 'center',
    alignItems: 'center',
    backgroundColor: '#f0f0f0',
  text: {
    fontSize: 24,
    fontWeight: 'bold',

export default HomeScreen;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


React Native offers several advantages for mobile app development:

  • Easy to Learn and Use: Developers familiar with JavaScript can transition into React Native development relatively seamlessly, thanks to its JavaScript foundation.

  • Large Community Support: A robust community ensures you're never short of resources, tutorials, or troubleshooting guidance.

  • Wide Range of Third-Party Libraries: The wealth of available third-party libraries simplifies complex tasks and accelerates development.

  • Native Performance: While not always a perfect match for fully native apps, React Native strives to deliver a performance close enough to satisfy the needs of most applications.


However, React Native does come with its set of limitations:

  • Performance: It may not match the peak performance of fully native apps, especially for graphics-intensive applications.

  • Learning Curve: Though easier to learn compared to some alternatives, it can still present a learning curve, particularly for developers new to JavaScript or mobile app development.

  • Native Widgets: React Native might not offer as many built-in native widgets and components as some other frameworks, requiring additional work for highly customized UIs.

In the next section, we'll dive into Flutter, offering a comprehensive view of its capabilities, benefits, and drawbacks to aid you in making an informed decision for your mobile app development needs.


What is Flutter?

Flutter is a cross-platform UI toolkit developed by Google for crafting natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Unlike some other cross-platform frameworks, Flutter uses a native rendering engine, which means that apps built with Flutter perform at native-level speed and responsiveness.

Key Features:

  • Native Rendering Engine: Flutter employs a powerful native rendering engine, allowing it to deliver the performance and appearance of a fully native app.

  • Hot Reload: Similar to React Native, Flutter also offers hot reload, which means changes to your code are reflected in real-time within the app, greatly enhancing the development experience.

  • Growing Community and Third-Party Libraries: Flutter's community is rapidly expanding, and it benefits from a growing collection of third-party libraries and packages.

Core Features

  1. Declarative UI: Flutter utilizes a declarative UI paradigm, making it easy to build complex user interfaces by describing how the app should look and behave based on its current state.

  2. Hot Reload: Flutter's hot reload feature is a game-changer for developers. You can instantly see the effects of code changes, which dramatically accelerates development.

  3. Native Performance: Flutter excels in providing native-like performance. Apps built with Flutter feel smooth and responsive.

  4. Growing Community Support: The Flutter community is flourishing, resulting in a wealth of resources, tutorials, and support options.

  5. Third-Party Libraries: While Flutter's library ecosystem is not as extensive as React Native's, it is continually expanding, and many essential libraries are available to aid development.

Complete Code for a Screen/Page

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Welcome to Flutter'),
        body: Center(
          child: Text(
            'Hello, World!',
            style: TextStyle(fontSize: 24, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


Flutter offers several advantages for mobile app development:

  • Native Performance: Flutter's use of a native rendering engine ensures that your apps are as fast and responsive as those built natively.

  • Growing Community Support: Flutter's community is on the rise, meaning that you have access to an increasing wealth of resources, tutorials, and support.

  • Third-Party Libraries: While not as extensive as React Native's library collection, Flutter's ecosystem is rapidly expanding, providing solutions for various development needs.

  • Declarative UI: The declarative UI paradigm simplifies building and maintaining complex user interfaces.

  • Hot Reload: Flutter's hot reload feature greatly speeds up development iterations.


However, Flutter does have its limitations:

  • Learning Curve: Flutter might present a steeper learning curve compared to React Native, especially for developers unfamiliar with Dart, the programming language Flutter uses.

  • Third-Party Libraries: While the number of Flutter libraries is growing, it still lags behind React Native in terms of sheer volume.

Workflow: React Native vs. Flutter

Before we delve into a detailed comparison, let's take a look at the typical workflow for both React Native and Flutter, providing you with a clear understanding of how development progresses in each framework.

React Native Workflow

The React Native development process typically follows these steps:

  1. Setup Environment: Begin by setting up your development environment. This includes installing Node.js, the React Native CLI, and any necessary SDKs for your target platforms.

  2. Create a New Project: Use the React Native CLI to create a new project. This generates the initial project structure and files.

  3. Develop Your App: Write your app's JavaScript code using React Native's component-based architecture. You can also utilize third-party libraries for added functionality.

  4. Test in Simulator/Emulator: You can test your app in the iOS Simulator or Android Emulator to ensure it functions as expected on both platforms.

  5. Debugging and Iteration: React Native's hot reload feature allows you to make changes to your code and see the results instantly. Debugging is facilitated with tools like React Native Debugger.

  6. Access Native Modules: For platform-specific functionalities, you can access native modules using React Native's native bridge.

  7. Optimize and Fine-Tune: Optimize your app's performance by identifying bottlenecks and making necessary adjustments. This may involve reducing unnecessary re-renders or optimizing animations.

  8. Testing on Physical Devices: Once you're satisfied with your app's performance, test it on physical devices to ensure compatibility and performance.

  9. Build for Release: Prepare your app for release by configuring build settings, generating signed APKs/IPAs, and optimizing assets.

  10. Deployment: Finally, deploy your app to the respective app stores, Google Play Store for Android and the Apple App Store for iOS.

Flutter Workflow

Flutter's development process follows a slightly different workflow:

  1. Setup Environment: Start by installing Flutter and Dart, the programming language used by Flutter. Ensure that you have the necessary IDE (such as Visual Studio Code) with the Flutter and Dart extensions.

  2. Create a New Project: Use the Flutter CLI to create a new Flutter project. This generates the initial project structure and files.

  3. Develop Your App: Write your app's code in Dart using Flutter's widget-based architecture. Flutter provides a wide range of pre-designed widgets for building your app's UI.

  4. Test in Simulator/Emulator: Like React Native, you can test your app in the iOS Simulator or Android Emulator to verify its functionality on both platforms.

  5. Hot Reload and Debugging: Take advantage of Flutter's hot reload feature to see immediate results when you make changes to your code. Flutter also offers debugging tools within IDEs like Visual Studio Code.

  6. Platform-Specific Code: For platform-specific functionality, you can use platform channels to access native code and modules.

  7. Optimize and Fine-Tune: As with React Native, optimize your app's performance by identifying and resolving performance bottlenecks.

  8. Testing on Physical Devices: Test your app on physical devices to ensure compatibility and performance.

  9. Build for Release: Configure build settings and generate APKs/IPAs for release. Flutter provides a streamlined process for building releases.

  10. Deployment: Deploy your app to the Google Play Store and Apple App Store, just as you would with React Native.

Here's a simplified diagram outlining the workflow for both React Native and Flutter:

Workflow difference

Which Framework is Right for You?

When choosing between React Native and Flutter for your mobile app development project, it's essential to consider various factors, including your familiarity with the technology, project requirements, and your development team's expertise. To help you make an informed decision, here's a comparison table highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of both frameworks:

Criteria React Native Flutter
Programming Language JavaScript/ES6 Dart
Learning Curve ✅ Moderate ❌ Moderate to Steep
Performance ❌ Good, but not as native ✅ Native-level performance
Community Support ✅ Large community ✅ Growing community
Third-Party Libraries ✅ Extensive library ecosystem ❌ Smaller library ecosystem compared to React Native
UI Development ✅ Declarative UI ✅ Declarative UI
Hot Reload ✅ Fast iteration ✅ Fast iteration
Platform-Specific Code ✅ Access through native modules ✅ Access through platform channels
Development Speed ✅ Quick development ✅ Quick development
Popular Apps Facebook, Instagram, Airbnb Alibaba, Google Ads, Reflectly
Use Cases Ideal for cross-platform projects where a JavaScript background exists. Ideal for projects with a focus on high performance and custom UI.
Ecosystem Maturity ✅ Mature ecosystem ✅ Growing ecosystem
Developer Satisfaction ❌ Mixed reviews in recent surveys ✅ Generally positive reviews in recent surveys

Keep in mind that the choice between React Native and Flutter ultimately depends on your project's specific needs and your team's expertise. React Native is a solid choice for projects where you want a balance between development speed and performance, especially if you have experience with JavaScript. On the other hand, Flutter shines when you prioritize native-like performance and have a team comfortable with Dart.

Both frameworks have their strengths and weaknesses, so it's advisable to evaluate your project requirements carefully before making a decision. Additionally, consider the trends in recent developer surveys, which suggest that Flutter is gaining traction and developer satisfaction. Ultimately, the right framework for your project will align with your development goals and constraints.

Recent Studies

The 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, the largest and most comprehensive survey of developers worldwide, found that Flutter has surpassed React Native as the most popular cross-platform mobile development framework. The survey also found that Flutter developers are more satisfied with the framework than React Native developers.

StackOverflow 2023 survey

Specifically, the survey found that:

  • 42% of respondents use Flutter, compared to 38% who use React Native.
  • 86% of Flutter developers are satisfied or very satisfied with the framework, compared to 79% of React Native developers.
  • 87% of Flutter developers said they would recommend the framework to a friend or colleague, compared to 77% of React Native developers.

These findings suggest that Flutter is becoming the preferred choice for cross-platform mobile development. There are several possible reasons for this, including:

  • Flutter apps are typically faster and more responsive than apps built with other frameworks.
  • Flutter offers a wide range of pre-built widgets, which can make it easier and faster to develop apps.
  • Flutter has a strong community and ecosystem, with many resources available for developers.

Overall, the results of the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey indicate that Flutter is a popular and well-liked cross-platform mobile development framework. Developers who are considering using a cross-platform framework for their next mobile app project should seriously consider Flutter.

Implications for Developers

The findings of the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey have a number of implications for developers. First, they suggest that Flutter is becoming the go-to choice for cross-platform mobile development. This means that developers who are skilled in Flutter will be in high demand.

Second, the findings suggest that Flutter developers are generally more satisfied with the framework than React Native developers. This is important because developer satisfaction is a key factor in productivity and retention.

Overall, the findings of the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey are positive for Flutter developers. Developers who are skilled in Flutter are likely to be in high demand and to be more satisfied with their jobs.


In the realm of cross-platform mobile app development, React Native and Flutter offer two compelling choices, each with its own set of strengths. Let's sum up our journey through these frameworks and provide a straightforward conclusion.

React Native is a great option if you want a balance between development speed and app performance. It uses JavaScript, making it accessible to many developers. With a thriving community and a wide library collection, it's an excellent choice for various project sizes. React Native's hot reload feature speeds up development and is beloved by those who prioritize quick iteration.

Flutter, on the other hand, shines when you need top-notch performance and a highly customized user interface. It uses Dart and boasts a native rendering engine, delivering apps that feel truly native. Flutter's declarative UI and hot reload contribute to a productive workflow, making it ideal for projects where performance and design excellence are paramount.

Your choice between React Native and Flutter should consider these factors:

  • Team Expertise: Think about your team's familiarity with JavaScript or Dart, as it can affect how quickly you get up to speed with the framework.

  • Performance Needs: Assess your app's performance requirements. If you need blazing speed and responsiveness, Flutter is the front-runner.

  • Project Size: The complexity of your app matters. React Native is versatile for various project sizes, while Flutter excels when performance is critical.

  • Ecosystem and Community: Check the available tools, libraries, and the vibrancy of the developer community. A strong ecosystem can streamline development.

Recent studies, like the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey, show that Flutter is on the rise and developers using it are highly satisfied. However, React Native remains a robust choice, especially if your team is well-versed in JavaScript.

In the end, both React Native and Flutter empower developers to craft exceptional mobile apps. Your decision should align with your project's unique requirements and your team's skills. As the mobile app development world evolves, keeping an eye on emerging trends will ensure your projects stay on the cutting edge. Whether you pick React Native or Flutter, both offer the tools to create outstanding mobile experiences.

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